In Ugg and a briefcase coat, Nicole Kidman matches the slow morning trend

Lorskel moves onto a plateau baby, Nicole Kidman make a choice in favor of bottles UGG boots et un manteau portefeuille, a tenue qui s’accorde à merveille with a new trend bien-être qui fait fueur sur les réseaux sociaux: le slow morning. Celle-ci quickly acquire importance and are characterized by the mise-en-scène of a ritual before the start of a hectic day, when the second minute remains under the control of the agenda on our phone. Le réveil qui sonne, une tenue chaude et confortable, une tasse chaude dans les mains… Voilà ce qu’évoque le dernier Look de Nicole Kidman Sur-les-Plateau babyerotic thriller with Antonio Banderas currently on tour in New York. From the stage of the world, a famous actress completely adopts the trend slow morningwho Mise sur le bien-être dès les premières de la journées à travers une rutiny, mais pas seulement: une garde-robe comfortable, faite detextures et de couleurs à la fois douces et chaleureuses, est elle also primordiale.

Nicole Kidman uggs

Nicole Kidman


Briefcase manto

Without double epaulettes and epaulettes, but with large reverses, large pockets and a belt for a reserra a la tail, a manteau-portfolio for wearing our dressing gowns. The very best souvenirs from cashmere or in the sky, the last of our best things to protect against the glacial winter. This comfortable piece later becomes a seasonal staple as it imparts a certain elegance without being tropey.

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