Intermittent fasting promises to improve gut health and weight control

A new study from multiple research centers in the US finds that intermittent fasting holds promise for improving gut health and weight control, better than simple calorie restriction. Their findings, published in the journal Nature Communications, may help better understand the relationship between the gut microbiome and metabolism, and improve strategies to combat obesity.

According to this study conducted by Arizona State University, participants who followed an intermittent fasting and protein intake regimen which assumes uniform protein intake Within a day, they experienced improved gut health, weight loss, and improved metabolic responses. These benefits were noticeably greater than with simple calorie restriction.

Researchers compared the effects of two low-calorie diets: a heart-healthy chronic calorie-restricted diet (based on USDA dietary guidelines) and a calorie-restricted regimen that included intermittent fasting and protein control.

The study followed 41 overweight or obese people over eight weeks. people in the intermittent fasting and protein control group showed a decrease in symptoms of gastrointestinal problems and an increase in gut microbiota diversity compared to the calorie-restricted group.

The intermittent fasting protocol increased the number of beneficial microbes in the gut, which is associated with lean body type and improved overall health. In addition, it increases levels of certain proteins (cytokines) in the blood that are associated with weight loss, as well as amino acid byproducts that promote fat burning.

“Given the location of the intestinal microbiota and its constant interaction with the gastrointestinal tract, “In recent years, we have gained greater understanding of its critical role in dietary responses,” said Alex Mohr of ASU’s Center for Biodesign of Health through Microbiomes and lead author of the study.

Mohr led molecular and microbiome studies, assessing gut microbial composition, inflammatory molecules called cytokines, SCFAs (dietary fiber-derived metabolites important for regulating energy balance) and the metabolome.

The gut microbiome helps break down food. produce vitamins and promote the absorption of nutrients. It also interferes with the development and functioning of the immune system, protecting the body from harmful pathogens and intensively regulates metabolism, affecting body weight, fat storage and insulin sensitivity.

Calorie restriction, intermittent fasting (limiting food intake to specific periods of time over several days), and protein stimulation (controlling protein intake at certain meals) have all been shown to affect weight and body composition, but so far the effect these dietary modifications of the gut microbiome have been unclear.

“A healthy gut microbiome is essential for overall health, especially in the fight against obesity and metabolic diseases,” explains Karen Suizea, ASU’s principal investigator on this Isagenix-funded study.

“Gut bacteria influence how we store fat, balance glucose levels and respond to hormones that make us feel hungry or full. Changes in the gut microbiota can lead to increased inflammation. insulin resistance and weight gain, highlighting the critical role of gut health in the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders.”


The clinical study involved 27 women and 14 men who were overweight or obese.. Participants were divided into two groups: one followed an intermittent fasting and protein rhythm regimen, and the other followed a heart-healthy calorie-restricted diet. Changes in weight, body composition, gut microbiome composition, and plasma metabolomics in both groups were monitored over eight weeks.

Participants who followed an intermittent fasting and protein regimen experienced a significant reduction in gut symptoms and an increase in beneficial gut bacteria, especially from the Christensenellaceae family.

Research also discovered that these microbes are related for better fat oxidation and metabolic health. In contrast, the calorie-restricted group showed an increase in metabolites associated with longevity.

Although both groups had the same average weekly energy intake, the intermittent fasting and protein stimulation group achieved greater weight loss and fat reduction, with an average weight loss of 8.81% of their initial body weight during the study. In comparison, those who followed a calorie-restricted diet. lost an average of 5.4% of body weight.

Except, Participants who followed an intermittent fasting and high-protein diet experienced a decrease in body fat. total, including abdominal fat and deep abdominal fat, as well as an increase in the percentage of lean body mass.

Although further research is needed, these results open a promising path for the development of effective dietary interventions against obesity and related metabolic disorders, the researchers emphasize.

“By identifying changes in specific microbes, functional pathways and associated metabolites, “This line of work holds promise for personalized healthcare strategies as we can better tailor dietary patterns to improve gut function and metabolic outcomes,” Mohr concludes.

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