Irekia Eusko Jaurlarica – Basque Government :: Osakidetsa achieves record for early detection of breast cancer in 2023 thanks to increased testing and use of more accurate mammograms

October 19, World Breast Cancer Day

  • Over the past year, the tumor was diagnosed in only 718 women thanks to 124 thousand studies.
  • Since the program began three decades ago, cancer has been detected in more than 13,000 women in more than 2,600,000 mammograms performed to date.
  • Most cancers are detected at early stages, which increases survival and quality of life for patients.
  • Osakidetsa insists that, in addition to participating in a screening program, prevention is important by avoiding risk factors such as alcohol consumption or obesity, as well as self-examination.

On the occasion of the celebration tomorrow, Saturday, October 19, World Breast Cancer DayThe Ministry of Health and Osakidetza insist on the importance of early detection to be able to treat this disease, the most common type of tumor in women, in time and improve the quality of life of patients. It is for this reason that Osakidets launched The Breast Cancer Early Detection Program has detected a total of 718 women with breast cancer in 2023, its highest number to date, thanks to increased testing and more accurate mammograms. Fortunately, most of the cancers detected were in the early stages.

This is why the Ministry of Health and Osakidetsa want to once again send a message of hope. Although more and more cases of cancer are being detected, survival rates in the Basque Country continue to increase, so the impact of the disease is decreasing. All this thanks early detection and application of increasingly personalized treatment, more effective and with fewer side effects, offering a better diagnostic and therapeutic option for affected women and facilitating coordination between different health care resources.

Since the launch of the program, it has made it possible to detect cancer in To date, more than 2,600,000 mammograms have been performed on 13,103 women.. Most of the cancers discovered were in early stages, allowing for more effective and less aggressive treatments. More than 84% of women benefited from conservative surgical treatment..

The Breast Cancer Early Detection Program conducted more than 124,000 studies during 2023, resulting in the detection of breast cancer in 718 women (116 in Araba, 372 in Vizcaya and 230 in Guipuzcoa). The global detection rate is 5.7 cases of cancer per 1000 women screened.. The reason for the increase in detection is that more and more mammograms are being performed and, in addition, more modern mammograms are being used, which provide more accurate images and detect more cancers. In fact, in 2023, Osakidetza completed the upgrade of all its mammographs.

The discovery program has been well received by women in the Basque Country over the years. Almost 80% of the target population attends tests. Women 50 to 69 years of age and 40 to 49 years of age with a first-degree family history of breast cancer (mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother) are currently invited to participate. Because this program operates in two-year cycles, women may receive their first invitation between ages 50 and 52, depending on their health zone, and their last invitation between ages 69 and 71. The test consists of a mammogram of both breasts, the results of which are provided by letter within an average of 6 days.


Breast cancer in many cases has few symptoms. The most common manifestation is palpation of a lump or thickening in the breast, which is uneven and hard in consistency and usually does not cause pain, so it is important to carry out a self-examination once a month. It may also appear as a change in the appearance of the nipple or the discharge of blood or other fluid from it.

To prevent its occurrence, Osakidetza experts insist on avoiding risk factors for the disease, such as drinking alcohol or obesity. In fact, the practice of exercise is considered the main preventative factor with the most evidence. Secondary prevention, in turn, occurs through early detection, such as mammography screening, which is the most effective strategy. For all these reasons, the Ministry of Health and Osakidetza continue to encourage women to attend mammography units when they are invited, as early prevention continues to be a crucial factor in the fight against this disease.

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