Israel killed 50 Gazans in the last 24 hours

New Israeli attack on Gaza. The target, again, is a residential neighborhood east of Gaza City. Devastating consequences. The bombings have forced hundreds of Palestinians to relocate without knowing where to go.

at least 47 Gazans killed in the Strip in last 24 hoursThe casualties, caused by Israeli attacks, were concentrated in the centre and north of the Palestinian enclave on Thursday, according to the health ministry of the enclave (controlled by Hamas).

it grew 37,765 people died in Patti Since the war began, 52 have been wounded, with 86,429 wounded after the last day. In addition, this morning, Israeli forces were reported to have infiltrated the Shuja’iyya neighborhood of northern Gaza City, where troops had already been operating in November and December, as well as heavy bombardment.

At least seven dead and thirty injured from the east of the region were rushed to Al Ahli Baptist Hospital in the capital. Eleven other Palestinians were killed in an attack on a school in the Al Shati campwest of Gaza City, where many displaced people from other parts of the Strip take refuge.

In addition, three Palestinians were killed in a bombing against a group of people in the west of the city. Attacks were also reported in Jabalia, north of the Strip. Where at least 17 people died in separate bomb blasts and Israeli artillery strikes.

On the other hand, Netanyahu’s army has also intensified its attack on its other front. A new bombing raid against southern Lebanon has destroyed A two-story building and hundreds of houses At least they are going 19 died. Israel threatens even more.

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