It was this verdict that humiliated Hewlett Packard before the shipwreck of the Bayesian company.

One of the most widely accepted hypotheses at the moment is that Mike Lynch, British tycoon formerly known as Bill Gates from the United Kingdomcelebrated on his huge luxury sailboat the end of a brutal judicial torture that had left him under house arrest in San Francisco for more than ten months. A situation that followed 13 years of legal proceedings in which the multinational corporation Hewlett Packardaccused the businessman of fraud with a company he sold to him in 2011.

Lynch was enjoying a few days of relaxation with his friend, Morgan Stanley International President Jonathan Blumer, his lawyer. Christopher Morvillo (Clifford Chance), his wife, his 18-year-old daughter and some of his closest associates. While on a summer holiday on the Sicilian coast, Lynch was enjoying the victory he had won just over two months earlier, on June 7, when the jury that had ruled in his case had found him not guilty, clearing him of all fraud charges brought against him and his domestic partner Stephen Chamberlain (who had died in mysterious circumstances just hours before the shipwreck. Bayesian Sailboat in which Lynch died).

Prior to this, as well as during the trial and for ten months before it began, Lynch had to remain under house arrest after being extradited to the United States in May 2023.

When On June 7, the jury acquitted Lynch. said: “I am delighted with today’s verdict and grateful to the jury for their attention to the facts over the last 10 weeks (…) I look forward to returning to the United Kingdom and getting back to what I love most: my family and innovating in my field,” he said.

The boldest claims were made by Morvillo, his lawyer, who said in a statement collected Financial Times that the US government demonstrated a “profound abuse of power” and concluded that “this verdict caps a relentless 13-year effort to blame Dr. Lynch for HP’s well-documented incompetence.”

¿But why did HP keep Lynch on trial for 13 years? accused of serious violations and fraud? What happened was that in 2011, Lynch sold his company, Autonomy, to HP for $11 billion. And the following year, in 2012, HP suffered a multibillion-dollar loss, which it attributed to writing off $8.8 billion of Autonomy due to “information errors, material misstatements, and outright misrepresentations,” they said.

In any case, both partners, acquitted on June 7, have now died in strange circumstances. In the case of Stephen Chamberlain, the vice-president of Autonomy, who was hit by a 49-year-old woman near Cambridge while training, and Mike Lynch, who was in a terrible shipwreck on his sailboat Byesian.

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