“It’s not even real food.”

feeding This is the fundamental basis of a healthy life. Every day we become more aware of the importance of what we put on our plates, as what we eat directly affects our long-term health and well-being. However, although we strive to carry balanced dietThere are certain foods that some experts say we should avoid completely if we really want to protect our body. In this sense, Dr. Jeremy London, an American surgeon who is very popular on social networks, revealed in a TikTok video four products that he considers especially dangerous to our health.

Fast food: “It’s not even real food”

The first food Dr. London points out is one of the most consumed in the world. fast food. This type of food is simple and quick solution in busy modern life, but the surgeon warns that this choice has high price for our health. “Most of what’s available at fast food chains is ‘edible food’; it’s not even real food,” he admits.

Soft drinks: “Liquid Death”

Another of the greatest enemies of a healthy lifestyle, according to the surgeon, are soft drinksboth in it traditional version like in your version’light‘. For many, sugary drinks are a common accompaniment to meals, but the surgeon has no qualms about calling them “liquid death.” “Don’t drink them,” he warns.

Dairy products: “We are the only mammals that consume them”

The third food on Dr. London’s list is dairy products. For many years, milk and its derivatives have been promoted as essential food in a healthy dietespecially due to its content in calcium. However, the surgeon questions it consumption in adultsclaiming that “we are the only mammals that drink milk after infancy, and we drink it from another species.”

Alcohol: “Totally toxic to our cells”

Fourthly, Dr. London places alcohola ubiquitous element of most social events. “Alcohol is absolutely toxic to all cells in our body,” he notes.

Although some studies advocate moderate alcohol consumption for its potential cardiovascular benefits, London warns that even in small quantitiesalcohol is harmful. “Even moderate or occasional use is actually harmful. So if we’re working so hard to optimize our health, the least we can do is stop actively poisoning our bodies,” he concludes.

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