“It’s sad that Kurt Cobain died, it seems he didn’t have a GPS connection”: Helen Mirren in a strange proposal to the Nirvana singer

Helen Mirren shares her views on Kurt Cobain, Harry Styles and religion.

Actress Gosford Park This is an opening for a big event in the world, similar to the fact that the leader of Nirvana died from the general use of GPS navigation in cars.

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Décrivant sa propre vie, Helen, 79, narrator of the balado O brave new world Avoir fait face au deuil, avant de parler of Kurt Cobain, qui s’est enlevé la vie en 1994.

“You lost your genes on the route courses,” I said. “And what I see is that it’s a sad message that Kurt Cobain is so dead in this era – là parce qu’il n’a ever in GPS, car c’est la choice la plus merveilleuse de voir ma petite track bleue experiencer dans la rue.

“I found it completely magical and incredible.”

Mirren continues to talk about what the red lips of singer Harry Styles and actor Timothée Chalamet look like.

“Des gens Like Harry Styles et Timothée Chalamet,” at-elle Expliqué, “when you voyez ces gars sur le Tapis Rouge or Même dans la vie Normale de Tous les Jours, ils Brisent Vraiment les Limits de ce qui était autrefois un Uniform Masculin “.”

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Later, the actress admitted that even if she were not in Croyant, she would like to visit the churches.

“Mon mari se moque toujours de moi, when I enter the église and je me signe toujours, je fais une génuflexion et je prends de l’eau bénite”, at-elle avoué, “parce que j’adore le theater des églises” .

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