J.34: From the Coronation of Leima Coruña to the Tears of Melilla CdD


J.34: From the Coronation of Leima Coruña to the Tears of Melilla CdD

05.11.2024 – 2:57

We approached the last night of the year with a large number of possible combinations, but the scores were relatively clear and consequently those teams that depended on themselves did not fail in their goal. Thus, Leima Coruna was going to become league champions in Melilla, Real Betis was going to enter the playoffs for promotion, and Amyx Castello was going to save the category at the expense of Melilla Ciudad del Deporte, which thus confirmed its fall.



REPORTAGE: And Leima Corunna went down in history as the LEB Gold champion.

PHOTO: Celebrating the Leyma champion in the FEB Flickr gallery.

PHOTO: Best images of the day in the Flickr gallery FEB.

FORECASTS: 4/9 Pool… Simeon Lepichev (Melills CdD)

FOLLOW UP: Results – Calendar – Official page



Friday, May 10:
Real Betis Basketball vs Caceres P. Humanidad (80-62) | MVP: E. Polanco – 27th shaft.
– Melilla Ciudad del Deporte vs Leima Coruna (74-80) | MVP: A. Diagne – 26th shaft.
– ICG Force Lleida vs. Hestia Menorca (105-70) | MVP: K. Hasbrouck – 25th shaft.
– HLA Alicante vs Longuevida San Pablo Burgos (73-83) | MVP: e. Attic – 21 shaft.
– Ureta Tizona Group vs. Rioverde Clavijo (110-76) | MVP: M. Saint-Supéry – 23rd val.
– Ourense Basketball vs Guuc Gipuzkoa (76-87) | MVP: A. Martinez – 19th shaft.
– Fuenlabrada Basketball vs UEMC Real Valladolid (85-58) | MVP: P. Aranitovich – 20th generation.
– Amyx Castello vs. Grupo Alega Cantabria (92-89) | MVP: B. Tabb – 39 shaft.
– Alimerca Oviedo vs Movistar Estudiantes (61-75) | MVP: H. Lopez – 26th shaft.

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