“Javier Miley’s first month as President of Argentina” | Listin Diario

The first months of ultraliberal Javier Milli’s tenure as Argentina’s president have been marked by unprecedented reformist activism that has drawn strong criticism, but almost no impact, in the country’s uncertain political, economic and social landscape.

“There is no money!” Miley warned in his first presidential speech, which was delivered on December 10 on the steps of the National Congress and with his back to the House of Representatives. In this he explained what his economic plan has been so far: ‘Jhatka’.

With this, he intends for Argentina to “become a world power” over the next half century.

Its prescription is a drastic reduction in state expenditure, complete deregulation and accumulation of legislative powers by the executive.

To this end, Meili, who won a runoff on November 19 against the then-economy minister, Sergio Massa, has introduced two controversial packages of measures in less than a month.

The first, the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU), signed on December 20 and announced on prime time television, contemplates the reform of more than 300 legal regulations.

Among its endless consequences, the ‘megadecree’ – which comes into force on the 29th – will allow the privatization of state companies, repeal environmental laws and open the door for football clubs to become sports corporations.

At the moment, Miley’s DNU is facing many obstacles.

The first in parliament, where his party, La Libertad Avanza, will need the cooperation of other groups to advance.

Secondly, the streets, which have already been the site of numerous protests sponsored by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and other social and union organizations. The country’s largest labor union has called for a half-day general strike on January 24, and ‘pot bangs’ are once again creating the country’s soundtrack, 22 years after the 2001 crisis.

But it is the judicial obstruction that has most thwarted the executive’s plans. Last week, the National Chamber of Labor Appeals issued two precautionary measures against the DNU that temporarily suspend the labor reform included in the decree.

To try to avoid these procedures, Miley announced soon after a bill containing more than 600 articles.

If approved, the so-called ‘omnibus law’ would grant legislative ‘superpowers’ to the executive until the end of 2025, when Argentina emerges from many of the emergency situations the project addresses.

The controversial plan must also pass through Congress, where it has faced criticism from the left, Peronism and the more moderate wing of the center-right coalition Together for Change.

Precisely the leader of the region and former rival of Miley in the October presidential elections, Patricia Bullrich, as Minister of Security, is the main guarantor of the government’s new approach to this matter, characterized by its seriousness in limiting the mobilization. Are.

However, the ‘shock’ has so far had little impact on Argentina’s battered wallets, which have seen inflation skyrocket, even on the heels of a very strong devaluation of the Argentine peso initiated by Economy Minister Luis Caputo Even after two days. Beginning of mandate.

Presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, recently acknowledged in his daily press conference at the Casa Rosada that the price growth figure in the last month of 2023 could exceed 30%, which would put the cumulative figure around 200% and put Argentina Will take you forward. Hyperinflation.

Additionally, Miley continues to present her own special ‘show’. The President has appeared on television and radio in the country presenting a more moderate face than during the campaign.

On at least three occasions, Miley waved from the iconic balcony of the Casa Rosada, the last time this Monday with her partner, comedian Fatima Flórez, who accompanied her that day on her postponed ‘presidency’ from the Hotel Libertador to the Quinta . de Olivos (official residence), on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

The President did not avoid appearing in front of the cameras even when voting in the elections of the Boca Juniors club – of which he is a supporter – a few hours after the death of 13 people in Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires province) due to a storm of rain and wind; Or when he went to his girlfriend’s fake show at a theater in Mar del Plata.

After Florez’s performance, Miley went on stage and kissed him passionately before warning Argentina of a bitter immediate future.

“The coming months are going to be very difficult, but we will stand,” said Miley, who appeared to be walking with firm steps on a ground that is very unstable.


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