JD Vance accepted the nomination for US Vice President in front of Donald Trump at the Republican convention

JD Vance accepts the vice presidential nomination in front of Donald Trump at the Republican convention (Reuters/Jina Moon)

(Special Envoy to Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Senator from Ohio J. D. Vance accepted the nomination for the post of Vice President Donald Trump on the third day of Republican National Convention In his first speech in Milwaukee, Vance thanked Trump for his commitment and said “Although he did not need politics, politics needed him.” He stressed that both “They love the country and are united to win.”

“The man I have known personally over the last few years is tough, but he cares about people. “You can be defiant in the face of a murderer one moment, and urging national reform the next,” Vance expressed. “I will never take for granted the trust you have placed in me. What an honor it is to help you realize your extraordinary vision for the country. “I promise all Americans, regardless of party affiliation, that I will give everything I have in serving you.”

Vance’s speech was preceded by an emotional speech from his wife, Usha VanceA distinguished lawyer who sought to soften the politician’s radical stance on issues such as abortion. “His goals in this new role are the same ones he embodies for our family: keeping people safe, creating opportunities to build better lives and approaching problems with an open mind.” He claimed.

Usha Vance presented JD Vance as a caring person and an example of the American dream during her speech at the conference (Reuters/Gina Moon)

In her brief intervention of just over six minutes, Usha appealed to emotions and highlighted Vance’s family side. “There’s only one thing to do to explain who he is and that’s to speak from the heart, because I love him and I’m here with him and because he would be a great vice president of the United States.” She insisted. She described her husband as a caring and open-minded man who exemplified the American dream.

Usha Vance opens up about her husband’s humble origins and how she embraced him “Curiosity and Excitement” Differences with your partner, like your Hinduism and your vegetarianism. He recalled his professional career as a lawyer in a prestigious law firm Munger, Tolles, and Olson and his experience as a law clerk at the Supreme Court of the United States.

“I assure you that neither JD nor I expected to find ourselves in this position. But it’s hard to imagine a more powerful example of the American dream.” Usha concluded her talk before introducing her husband.

During his speech, Vance said it was Wednesday night “A night of hope, a celebration of what America once was. And by God’s grace it will be again,” he said, recalling the recent assassination attempt on Trump. “This moment could have been very different if Thomas Matthew Crooks had missed his shot during a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday and the bullet had hit Trump instead of grazing his ear.”

JD Vance outlines his commitment to Trump’s vision for the United States and promises to give his all in service to Americans (Reuters/Brian Snyder)

The senator accepted Trump’s announced vice presidential nomination on Monday, and expressed surprise at finding himself in this new position. “I never could have imagined I’d be here tonight.” In a low voice, he emphasized that Trump represents the last hope for something that has been lost and can never be found again: “A country where a working-class guy, far from the corridors of power, can be on this stage as the next vice president of the United States.”

“But this moment isn’t about me, it’s about all of us and what we’re fighting for. It’s about an auto worker in Michigan who wonders why politicians are destroying his jobs. “It’s about a Wisconsin factory worker who makes things with his hands and takes pride in American craftsmanship.” Vance added.

The senator alluded to his humble origins and gave part of the spotlight to his mother, which was applauded by those in the stadium. Fiserv, “A single mom who had a hard time with money and addictions but never gave up: I’m proud to say my mom has been sober for ten years,” stood out.

Vance insisted that Trump made “The best economy in history for workers” and asked the public to imagine what they would achieve if they got four more years in the White House. Trump handed it to them, declaring that it would be their “number two” to concentrate “Resolutely on the people for whom he fought so valiantly, the American workers and farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota,” all those major states, and “Beyond.”

“We’re going to build factories again, put people to work making real products made by American workers for American families. “We’ll protect American wages and prevent China from building its own middle class at the expense of Americans.” Vance concluded.

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