“Joe Biden makes me sad”

There are many issues on the table at the summit held in Washington for NATO’s 75th anniversary. The first of these is the support of member states for Ukraine war against Russia and joining the Atlantic Alliance in the future. But on the other hand, just four months before the United States presidential election, Joe Biden’s health remains a concern for Democrats, almost as much as his intention to stay in the campaign and not step down.

At the Mas Vale Tarde table, everyone agreed when Juan Fernández Miranda, deputy director of the ABC, said “Every day it is more painful to watch Biden interfere, and there is not a day that goes by that we are not afraid of these types of errors.” Despite the pointing to his advancing age, the reality is that Democrats “should have had a debate, which is late, and which should have been at least six months ago. Because it’s probably already too late, because the other side is Trump who is going like a cannon.”

Loreto Ochando puts it more clearly “What really scares me the most is that this man is the leader of the main country on the planet and when the United States gets a cold, the rest of us get pneumonia. So either he takes a step back or his party is going to have to force him to step back.

For her part, Cristina Pardo has said that although presidents of the United States have “very powerful teams” present in making decisions, what really bothers them are “punishments”.

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