Karim Benzema, nostalgia? The little thoughts pour out of the son of the ex… Rihanna!

Karim Benzema thought about an encore with Rihanna? On August 27, 2024, among other publications in the glory of Instagram, you will be able to enjoy a song called “Evocateur…”

Signé par son ami Big Ben, author “Plus a balloon”in 2023, which lists the names of the winners, “Riri”, passwords that pourraient faire sauter au plafond la chanteuse de la Barbade!

Ainsi, maybe the chorus: “I take the charger like RiRi, RiRi, RiRi. She goes turner like vinyl, vinyl, vinyl. “I camouflage like a soldier.”

Karim Benzema paired with Rihanna

For one comment, Karim Benzema shares a photo of Ronaldo, the Brazilian national team, beautiful in chanson. I think it’s a love story with Rihanna, but it’s not very good.

Louis and the singer “We found Love” He will spend romantic evenings à l’été 2015 between New York and Los Angeles. Another couple in recent times. Rihanna is one of the favorites of the Real Madrid player (who later turned into an Arab Saudi). In the era, she could go out in the path of a person in relation to toxicity with Chris Brown…

What do you think?

Ancient history, and now, perhaps, Bad Galya passed in an hour of hours with Asap Rocky. It’s time for nothing, what it is”“Perfume Partner”in an interview with Billboard. Ensemble, ils ont déjà deux enfants, et projetteraient même d’agrandir la famille!

With his son Karim Benzema has four children. A little girl named Melia and little boy Nouri, company Chloe de Launay, boy Ibrahim, with Cora Gaultier, with the last child, with the American model, Jordan Ozuna. And the fact that in this dernière and the first woman, his friend Balances to have a drink…

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