Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio on tour at Pays de Bray in the Seine-Maritime

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Cela faisait deja quelque temps que en coulisse il se préparait un événement majeur, voire historique, pour le Pays de Bray.

More rien jusque-là n’était sur.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio

On weekends, information reaches the journalistic environment. On Sawait Qun film tour Return to Seine-Maritime upon arrival. Meme of large American production.

Etça y est, la rumeur est became official: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio will be a retrover more than 25 years ago Titanic from James Cameron. But most of all, he chose a wonderful region for romance in the world of World War II.

Sequences in different places of Pays de Bray

Pour l’heure, les quelques indiscrétions dévoilées évoquent le Pays de Bray pour most of the round. International cinema invites you to the Brionne Campaign.

The extra scenes filmed in agricultural exploitation films are not the best for audiences. “We want to exchange with the French production society, which is making films for Americans. Il ya eu plusieurs repérages et cela semble bien party »nous a confée un maire des environs de Neufchâtel-en-Bray, which has not passed now, in order to start a new life.

Plans are also being developed for a tour of the Marches-Plusiers, along the borders of the Rivières-Pluses and in the Forest-Ily.

Video: in ce moment sur Actu

Preliminary round in 2025

Ce qui est sûr, c’est que le Tournage doit avoir onlyu courant 2025 for the previous departure in 2026 in États-Unis and in France.

You Pays de Bray American products value Aurait for their valuable and photogenic appearance. It’s also close to Paris.

Il faut savoir qu’un tournage comme celui-ci est une économique not negligeable for le territoire. Without taking into account the technical specialists and other persons involved who were sure that this was a long meter, do not mention the name of the implementer, not as an encore, but officially.
On Monday, April 1st, Poisson’s day of glory, perhaps “affaire à suivre…ou pas.”

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