Kris Jenner announces her souffre d’june tumere
Sophie Turner felt depressed after turning to Lorskel’s assistant.
The 28-year-old actress admits that she has a habit of spending the last few weeks or retiring during the world, but she finds that if she “tends to stay with a friend”, il ne lui Fallait pas longtemps pour se sortir de son état d’esprit.
Speaking on the Run-Through with Vogue podcast, he admitted: “My problem is that I’m isolated, if I’ve ever been in a state of chocolate… or déprimée… it’s all the times I’m submerged. , anxious and desperate, and I unlock the phone to call my friends, and I’ll be back again in 20 minutes.”
The Game of Thrones star also knows how to use adaptation mechanisms when breathing indoors or in a shelter to overcome bad moments.
Another note: “I’m very therapeutic.”
The “Joan” actress explained that souffrait de boulimie et que, bien qu’elle ait souvent took “chemin sombre” consisting of “a bad manger or ne pas manger du tout”, she a appris à mieux prendre soin Subsequently Willa, three years , and Delphine, her two daughters, with her ex-husband Joe Jonas.
She explains: “Mon corps a nourri mon enfant dans mon ventre, et il a donné naissance aux enfants les plus extraordinaires, les amours de ma vie.”