Le Pen has moved away from an absolute majority

The latest polls indicate that the RN will gain between 190 and 220 delegates, and will need 289 seats

The second round of legislative elections in France will be held next Sunday It will be tough far more than Marine Le Pen’s far-right party had anticipated, National Regroupment (RN).According to the latest polls published today, Thursday, he will not obtain the absolute majority (289 deputies) needed to govern. immediately prior to the appointment of the poll three days before,

The survey, conducted by Harris Interactive for Challenges and the M6 ​​Network, gives between 190 and 220 seatswhich distances her from this possibility. Marine Le Pen expressed this belief in an interview on the French television network BFM They can still get a comfortable majority To form the government.

At the other extreme, the left, united under the New Popular Front, would achieve the middle ground 159 and 183 representatives. Finally, the macronist bloc will be among the 110 and 135,

Polls show that this reshaping of the National Assembly is different from the scenario a few weeks ago. Even Macron is not faring so badly. This is partly thanks to the reshaping strategy of the left and the presidential bloc Anti-Le Pen Republican Front,

A new strategy to defeat the far right

this lanyard, or union of all political forces What had so far prevented the extreme right from winning the election was weakened in the first round last Sunday: Le Pen wins support of one-third of votersWhile 28% opted for the left and only 22% chose President Macron’s centrist bloc.

For this reason, and with the possibility that he could come to power, the New Popular Front and the Macronist Bloc withdrew their candidates for deputies in constituencies where three candidates qualified and the RN is ahead. By refraining from going to the polls, they give the opponent a greater chance of winning and prevent Le Pen’s candidate from doing so.

These resignations in both blocks have been approved Rebuild something that destroys the anti-Le Pen shieldWhile the next step is proposed: the formation of an alternative government coalition between left-wing and liberal parties (if it does not achieve a majority).

Unpublished solutionswhich has never happened before, so as to avoid a situation of institutional paralysis if no faction gets an absolute majority. He said, “We have to do things that no one has done before.” Marine Tondeliergeneral secretary of the Environmentalists and is very active in this campaign. Some leaders of the conservative party Los Republicans and several socialists have also spoken out in this regard.

In these legislative elections, 577 deputies are elected, but 76 were directly elected last Sunday, which was more than 50% of the vote. Looking at this second round, the last one, the question is whether voters will respect the voting instructions of the Republican cordon that will not let Le Pen obtain the majority that would allow her to come to power.


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