‘League F is competitive… apart from the title’ | Relief

In the midst of a flight of talent (Mariona, Paños, Giraldes…) or criticism for the lack of competitiveness in Liga F, when Barça is not available, Beatriz Alvarez, president of the organization organizing the competition, spoke in an interview in come onprogram Movistar+. “Having the best club in the world puts you in the spotlight. The fact that players are leaving speaks very well about the clubs and the players and that we have such talent. I think it’s more than a problem, it’s part of the market. In the men’s league, Messi and Cristiano have left and it is still an attractive league and the same will happen with the women players and it is about putting yourself in the spotlight as a benchmark. From here, by analyzing the players coming and going, it will be possible to balance. Players leave, others come from important leagues. We want to focus and continue to take the necessary steps to become the best league in the world.“Said the F-League boss.

Beatriz Alvarez denies that the League is not “competitive.” “League F is competitive… except for the title”“, he explained, referring to Barça’s clear superiority. The Barça club, the current champions of the Champions League for the last two seasons. “Because we were a professional league for a short time, I can’t talk about cycles, but Barça have been around for ten years. There are clubs that have started to create what Barça did ten years ago. You have to be patient and you have to help the players take steps in that direction,” he said.

Recently, the F League president visited all the dressing rooms to listen to the players’ concerns and suggestions. “During these visits, apart from the disagreements or problems that exist in a given club, almost all of them share the desire to know the vision and strategy of the F League. They realized that those of us who are in the F League know the way of the F League.” , he noted, before continuing: “It was important to talk to the players. We want to make a project for them in which we can help them not only in sports, but also personally. “It’s important to put myself in their shoes and not forget where I come from.”

For his part, he hoped that the agreement could soon become public thanks to the renewal of this document, which lasted “a long year and a half.” “We are not proud of the agreement. We tried to come to an agreement for a long year and a half. It’s already our last day. “We are all called to solve many issues in women’s sports,” he noted in a conversation in which he admitted that he feels privileged to take on this challenge in the F League, which was born two years ago and which is gradually taking steps. you have to build everything from scratch.

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