Les Afghanes look at the camera in the exceptional documentary Bread and Roses.

Exiles, realized by Sahra Mani and Zahra Mohammadi in Cannes, 2023.
Vianney Le Caer/AP/SIPA

I presented at Cannes the latest work of the actress Jennifer Lawrence, who produced it: Bread and roses A documentary signed by Sahra Mani on Apple TV+, depicting the existence and suffering of Afghan women.

Cannes, May 2023. Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence presents the documentary “Shock That Is a Product” with the most respect for the woman, Zahra Mohammadi. This young Afghan dentist calls out to the Festival audience: “N’oubliez pas les femmes d’Afghanistan!” With these words Sahra Mani, Director Bread and rosesdocumentary “A Coup Among the Offspring of Women: A Tour of Taliban Forces”, August 15, 2021.

Even later, while the documentary is available on Apple TV+, we cannot answer the question: what kind of world do the women of Afghanistan live in? “Les Talibans Font ce Qu’ils veulent en toute impunity, confirm la Realisatrice of the Afghan exile. Ils ont interdit l’accès à l’enseignement aux (au-delà de la primaire), they cannot see the face in public, ne peuvent plus travailler, sauf dans somes Domaines Rares et circonscrits. Elles ne peuvent sortir sans un chaperon, sont déchues de leurs droits… Je crois que le monde a déjà oublié les affhanes, c’est pour ça que l’on doit s’entraider nous-mêmes.” Bread and roseswhich correspond to the fate of three women living in the country, est sa façon d’aider ses compatriots.

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“As the Taliban repeat their strength, women start sending me temporary videos about everyday brutality, radicalism and the duration of change,” explains Sahra Mani. Je les archiveis pour garder des preuves de ce qu’il se passait. Assez vite, je suis dit: il faut faire un Film, says that plus the person has not left the international community. Nous avons appris ces femmes comments film et nous envoyer leurs vidéos.” Dangerous exercise: “Bien sur, il est interdit de Filmer. The Taliban are totalitarian terrorists, why do we respect the rules? Pour vivre nos vies, nous n’avons pas d’autre choix que de sobéir.”

Still from the film Bread and roses.

Copyright Excellence Cadaver

Film featured on Zahra Mohammadi’s brides, iPhone images, Kabul prize cover for Taliban. Son monde bascule ensuite: Zahra, who most often leads the quiet life of a metropolitan dentist, has become an activist who protects the clinic, despite the risks, and mobilizes all cells, like brave ones, to demonstrate on the streets, equipped with phrases in A4 format written on the streets dedicated to “ hard work, pain, education.” Bread and roses Donne also sees an attempt to leave the woman with her family; The film was shot at the airport before he took refuge in Pakistan. The administration employee checked in, and at that moment he abandoned his colleague to dismantle the Afghan drapery to replace the Taliban.

Still from the film Bread and roses.

Copyright Excellence Cadaver

The life of this young woman, deprived of work, deviates from the norm if she does not love peace, plus que le moment d’étendre le linge sur le toit pour respirer l’air frais et Observer la ville vivre. Zahra Mohammadi leaves the Taliban… “Portée disparue” after her son’s arrest, in the end she is free and in exile. video. “Les Femmes Manifent Toujours, j’essaie de porter leurs voix.” In 2023, when the Taliban withdraw from beauty salons, the last time women will work and reunite alone, a new love will be buried on Mars: she worries about banning portable phones for all women.

Bread and roses by Sahra Mani, on Apple TV+.

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