Les destins croisés des reines et cousins ​​Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I, ce soir sur Cherie 25

Queen of Ecos de France at age 18, Mary Stuart, quickly began studying to protect herself. Veuve du jeune François II after her second marriage, she returned to Son Écosse Natale Réclamer le tron ​​qui lui revent de droit. Mais la catholique doit faire face à la Protestant reform spread due to reformer John Knox and other threats from cousin Elizabeth I, Queen of Angleterre.

Cette dernière cherche à étendre son royaume and the denial of Mary Stuart’s freedom threatens sovereignty. Religious beliefs, dominance, political views… Everything is opposed to two modes of government.

Two queens working together on screen

Purtan, dance Mary Stuart, Queen of Ecossawill be released May 24, 2024 Cherie 25Realist Josie Rourke gave birth to the destinies of two influential women. Marie (Saoirse Ronan) and Elizabeth (Margot Robbie, Fantastique) are bright, s’admirent, aiment et se battent pour faire understand that leur voix à une époque, which is largely dominated by men.

Also read: 56 years later, they have a unique hotel in France, inspired by a love story.

In s’éloignant parfois des faits historiques pour yer la corde sensible (en témoigne la rencontre Fiction des Deux Régentes), the film ends badly, all on plus capital scenes. On 8 February 1587, Mary Stuart was beheaded at Fotheringay Castle (Angleterre) after she died a death due to trachysone in Elizabeth I. très beau longimeter.

Vendredi May 24, 2024 Cherie 25 21:05.

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