Leurs derniers messages échangés sont révélés – Sport.fr

A small separation between you and the other two, due to rumors of infidelity from the old footballer Pique, Shakira and other tabloids, what does this mean for the protection of two children, Milan and Sasha, or for your relationship, turmoil.

In addition, the time spent apart contributed to the separation between the Colombian singer and the old Catalan footballer. According to the Spanish publication Semana, Shakira wants to resume the life of her children. For this fair, February 2, the anniversary date for all two, the singer, as part of the initiative, wanted to find a message for Pique. From sources in Colombia, he sent a message via WhatsApp to his son on his 37th birthday. Shakira sent me an emoji to congratulate me on my anniversary, and Pique replied with my emoji. It’s unclear if these emojis trigger a long conversation.

At the end of January, the Catalan newspaper El Nacional reported that Shakira had resumed contacts with Pique for the benefit of her two children. ” In the course of our last days, Shakira and Pique become closer, not in an affair, but in a retablature of the affair, but most of all to establish a relationship in the love of Milan and Sasha.“,” I stated in the newspaper. ” The former couple chose to refrain from using intermediaries in legal matters and communications regarding family and children’s issues.

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