Limit of patience political landscape

xavier miley Food prices increased by more than 400 percent and shipments were suspended 44k soup kitchen, This is the closest we’ll get to yanking millions of Argentines out of the sky and throwing them into the void. This government pushed most Argentines into poverty and treated them as lazy people who did not work and lived outside the state. Desperation in humble neighborhoods has led to a surge in the needy and a glut of soup kitchens, which are still operating but can only serve one meal, not every day, based on donations and a huge solidarity effort. Once again, Argentina stands in solidarity with the people in the face of a poor government and powerful people.

This disaster brought together social movements of all shades, independent, Peronist, Trotskyist or autonomist. And they will march in different cities of the country. At CABA they demonstrated against the Ministry of Human Capital amid clashes and pepper spray, with thousands of city police officers trying unsuccessfully to stop the crowd from blocking traffic.

“Do you know how much a kilo of meat costs?” “No, because I don’t shop,” candidate Xavier Miley responded to the journalist. Chronicle In October last year. “Do you know how much the minimum ticket price is?”, a lost look, trying to get invented and giving up: “No,” Miley replied. The journalist insisted on one kilo of bread and minimum retirement and the response was the same. The man knew nothing about the lives of ordinary Argentines, many of whom voted for him to solve problems the character had no knowledge of. “Because I look at the aggregate numbers,” he tried to explain.

The tension between a candidate who votes through ballot paper and one who does not know the problems of the people is a bit violent. When this man talks about freedom or problems, he is not talking about the freedom of people but the problems of corporations., According to the worldview of these characters, the poor, that is, 58 percent of Argentines, are not “good people”, they are lazy people who prefer not to work.

If the price of meat or buses was not on his agenda when he was a candidate, it is not surprising that now he has not the slightest idea into what hell he has dragged the majority of the inhabitants of this country .

This week TN re-officials interviewed him. he pointed him towards The 27.18 percent increase for retirees is well below the 60 or 70 percent of the quarter’s inflation., The disastrous President asked them: “What is the age group that has the lowest proportion of poor?” The disappointed journalist replied: “Retired people.”

These people live in Narnia. 49 percent of retirees earn minimum wage, 16 percent more than one and two less than two. Another 10 percent earn two minimum wages. All of them are below the poverty line and many of the rest, who earn more than the two minimum limits, are also below the poverty line. If the basic basket is 600 thousand pesos, according to INDEC, more than 80 percent of retirees are below the poverty line., The man reads the numbers backwards.

“On the other hand,” Miley said casually, “70 percent of kids are poor,” as if he was exploiting retirees in favor of kids, when he was exploiting everyone equally.

Chronicle of Fabian Restivo and Aymen Neschi in the Constitution, which was published Buenos Aires/12, detailed the infamous era that Miley inaugurated. Children jumping over the turnstiles, retired people demanding to be paid without being paid like the veteran of the Malvinas, mothers who pass their children under the turnstiles and then they do the same. There are thousands of people who have to travel from the suburbs to CABA and it’s not enough for them. Children take it as a joke or thrill. For others it is an insult, for the veterans of the Malvinas who do not want to enter and have to ask to be let in, or for retirees or mothers who look at the camera with shame.

Metro tickets increase every month. But service does not improve. Piedras station had to be closed on Friday due to a massive invasion of mosquitoes, cockroaches, cockroaches and other insects. The country is going through the worst phase dengue epidemic Despite thousands of infected and an unprecedented invasion of mosquitoes in history, the Buenos Aires city government did not lift a finger, there is no prevention or fumigation like in some suburban districts. There are no dissemination campaigns to prevent it or inform where the infected can go or what measures should be taken. CABA Health Minister, fernan queirosWhat was efficient during the pandemic is now paralyzed in the face of a pandemic that is becoming endemic.

The donkeys who keep repeating “the party is over” voted for the government that says so, because it considers everything that is not security, defense and justice a “party”. Investment in education, like social and health, is a “celebration of caste”.

Miley’s list does not include foreign relations, because in fact, in her view, the country’s foreign policy is led by the United States and Israel. The Foreign Office would be a wasteful expenditure as the Chancellor’s shameful silence shows. Diana Mondino At the instigation of his British counterpart, David Cameron, who visited the Malvinas Islands from where he declared that “they are and will remain British.” It was like spitting in the eye and the government remained silent. Vice President Victoria VillaruelThe daughter of a repressor of Operation Independence and a veteran of the Malvinas, she became complicit in that silence and, in turn, withdrew the Senate from the Senate. Nestor Kirchner statueThe President who did the most for the Malvinas in the last 50 years.

United States Secretary of State, anthony blinkenSpent a few hours in Buenos Aires and met Miley. No concrete announcement was made other than good intentions and obvious American interest Lithium,

Contrary to the contrast that the conservative press wanted to create with Brazil LulaNor are relations with America good. It is an election year in the United States. Security Minister, Patricia Bullrich, He made a mistake in Washington when he had no choice but to speak in stammering, Tarzanic “English” at a meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference, which brought together far-right forces and in which he would also participate. Donald Trump, Miley’s political enemies will be at that meeting this Saturday Joe BidenCandidate for re-election.

No one can predict when social humor will reach its peak point. But this government is making every possible effort to complete it as soon as possible. Society is suffering and patience also has a limit, Nobody knows it. After congratulating him, IMF number two. Geeta Gopinathexpressed this concern to Miley.

(TagstoTranslate)Country(T)Xavier Miley(T)Popular Kitchen(T)Poverty

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