Love reunion of Adele Exarchopoulos and Francois Civil

Actor and creator Gilles Lellouche will present the film in October 2024. L’Amour ouf (2024), after screenings at the Cannes Film Festival. Adèle Exarchopoulos and François Civil met again at a prestigious casting, this new project is announced as one of the pluses of last year’s exciters.

In October 2004, the actor Gilles Lellouche Pass for the premiere of the outer part of the camera in devastating Narcos, These are premiere films as realists. Before the premiere, and before the good reception of critics and the public of the second long film. Le Grand Bain (2018) – a real success in advertising, 4.2 million views – the film “il achevé son” L’Amour ouf, which will be released in theaters on October 16, 2024.

L’Amour ouf: a violent romantic comedy in competition at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.

Inspired by a Roman eponym published by Irish writers. Neville Thompson in 2000, “New Long Meter” Gilles Lellouche – who was presented at the competition Cannes Film Festival 2024 May 23 last year – a story about a love story about drug traffic and petty theft among bandits, an interpretation for charismatic people Francois Civil And his bride delurée, Campée par l’excellente Adele ExarchopouloYes.

What’s the pitch for this new year? « Anne is 80, in the north of France. Jackie and Clotaire argue between the banks of the Lyceum and the docks of the port. “She’s on a train. And if they want to keep going, it’s love for her. If she doesn’t force herself to be alone, she’s not sure, these two are like the two ventricles of my mother’s heart…”

The great alchemy between Adele Exarchopoulos and François Civil.

Let it be seen in the binomial in the film Buck Nord (2020), two fashionable actors François Civil and Adèle Exarchopoulos devraient laisser paraître à l’écran une belle alcoholic. Gilles Lellouche explains to the students that they decide to play Jackie and Clotaire for the first time.

Sur-les-Plateau Cà vousIn Cannes, on May 22, 2204, he confessed: “To the south, Buck Nordhe is waiting for the scene with Adele – this is Karim Leklou’s wife. She was in the castle, she was in the battery and hung on the stage, and I saw her sound on the train under the direction of Karim Leklou live. She was waiting for the full completion of what she valued and was married to Karim Leklou, she treated François as if he c’était un Dieu quoi”.

Impressive casting with Vincent Lacoste and Raphael Quenard.

About retrover in general L’Amour ouf Great actor of French cinema: Alain Chabat, Benoit Poelvoorde, Vincent Lacoste, Jean-Pascal Zadi, Elodie Boucher, Karim Leklou, Rafael Kenard you’re coming out for an encore Anthony Budgeon. There are also two more discoveries: Mallouri Vanek and etc. Malik Frikahwho plays the couple in love in this version of Plus Jeune.

Bak Nor: Photos by Gilles Lellouche, Adele Exarchopoulos, François Civil, Karim Leklou.
Gilles Lellouche, Adele Exarchopoulos, François Civil and Karim Leclou in Bac Nord (2020) © Jérôme MACE/Cifoumi Productions.

Gilles Lellouche’s most ambitious film

In an interview, according to Pierre Lescure in emission Bo Geste October 15, 2023 on France 2, Gilles Lellouche deprive of this L’Amour ouf croise les cinématographiques Genres, integrated»musical comedy notation. » Il également au sujet de son projet aussi romantique qu’ultra cruel: “It’s a teenage movie, a movie about love.»

Tourné en party à Marseille et dans le Nord (Dunkirk, Lille), long-length ensemble, as well as dance choreographies for the group. (Hordewhich also marks his first appearance in the dark rooms.

BO is one of the film’s strong points. He will understand notamment des chansons de Billy Idol, Prince, Treatment, Alphaville OU EVTG when we meet, we cross eras.

L’Amour ouf (2024) Find the most ambitious films Gilles Lellouchewith an estimated duration of three hours and a budget of 32 million euros (Selona Diversity). And the atmosphere of Lornant du Cote de Quentin Tarantino and etc. West Side Story. Le grand retour de ce dernier en tant que realisateur est donc particulièrement scruté, surtout lorsque l’on sait que l’idee de ce movie lui est the location il ya plus de 17 ans…

L’Amour ouf (2024) by Gilles Lellouche with Adèle Exarchopoulos and François Civil in cinemas October 16, 2024.

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