Madonna interview with Brazilian singer Adube

The ultra-influential Anitta is Brazil’s biggest pop star, but also one of her country’s most political figures. The 31-year-old ultra-sexy singer has collaborated with Madonna, Snoop Dogg, Sam Smith and Cardi B, producing two Netflix series and criticizing Bolsonaro. Album Alors qu’elle sort son novel, Funk generationLet’s return to our interview with the attaché and engaged Beyoncé Brecilien.

Pour ceux qui, malgret of the electoral campaign of Cicciolina and the bypass of the house of Blanche Kim Kardashian, doutent encore du pouvoir des bimbos, la chanteuse Anitta devrait remettre les pendules à l’heure. In these first few clips (plus soixante au compteur), when we look at the stage, we see a bikini in black aspen (la video de son Single Crazy) or in a Brazilian favela setting.

Anitta, Brazilian singer, the most influential of the sons

Sauf que sa Plastic de Bombe Latine ne doit pas cacher son important policy. Celle que l’on surnomme la “Beyoncé brésilienne” broke all the country’s records, and then the au-delà des frontières. Not to mention other things, Anitta belongs to 65 million users on Instagram. These clips have collected billions of music tracks and this is the premiere of Brecilien to enjoy chansons in the top 20 of Spotify. After what happened in 2020, a survey published by the magazine Or a globe He claims that Anitta is one of the three most influential political figures in Brazil. His fans are focused on making a beggar-president. Mais la chanteuse n’a que 31 ans et devra visitre 35 ans si elle veut se presenter…

Reconversion that doesn’t seem like complete nonsense Car Anitta is a fighting woman. L’un de ses plus recents? Redefine Brecilien’s image with new tube sounds with R’n’B sounds: Girl from Rio. Via Zoom, Anitta, who wore a Louis Vuitton (sa Brand Préférée, nous glisse-t-elle) polo shirt with monogram and color, also combs the parfait, nous confit: “This is a song produced by Stargate, the super product duo behind Coldplay and Rihanna. Ils sont venus au studio with a perfect idea and an example of a great classic The Girl from Ipanema his title debut. Ils avaient peur que je trouve ça trop is obvious. I, on the contrary, thought that it was c’était parfait. I can see the perspective that Bresil and the DNA of Rio de Janeiro. These genres represent new interest for Brazilian music. It hasn’t come for a long time. He carries on conversations about football players and mannequins that bring us money. And on the souvenir are three tourist visions of Rio.”

Well, let’s decide to fight prejudices, Anitta adds: “Je parle dans ce morceau de macultural, de ma vie et de mon point de vue sur les Girls de là-bas. à des top models. Je voulais mettre l’énergie qui régne ici”, which are all beautiful in their manners and three different: a new wave singer, an actress, a deputy, a sociologist…”

Anitta, Brray and Bad Gyal – double team (2024).

These are favelas

Yeah Anitta Sait Mettre en valeur les autres, quel que soit leur background, c’est peut-être parce qu’elle reste Attachée à ses racines. Pop star united self made woman who is not with a silver plate in the bush. Larissa de Macedo Machado (son of vrai nom) on her day in 1993 in Rio de Janeiro, in the popular Honorio Gurgel quarter. ““My street is no longer considered part of the favela, but most of all the street is just in Cote-l-Est.” Elevée par une mère célibataire au sein d’une famille de classe moyenne, la petite Larissa sait très vite ce qu’elle veut: voir bien plus loin que les bidonvilles. “When I was a child, I spent every day with my family, who would become singers three years later. I know Anitta. Their car confuses a person, and he can be sure that I am really bad and that I am disappointed in the trail if I do not march for me. Ils ne voulaient pas me décevoir en m’explain que c’était impossible, mais je sendais bien leur inquiétude. Ils m’ont toujours apporte leur soutien. Mon frère travaille d’ailleurs pour moi aujourd’hui.”

At the age of 8, Larissa sings in the Santa Luzia de Rio chorale, all the premieres of the video are about my performer, hell, on the mountain in a flower robe, deodorant is mainly in micro form. Having become, let her son be charismatic and her son great, so that the young girl becomes a star. At the age of 18, Anitta is studying at the Faculty of Administration, but a funky dance TV show will begin appearing in other ports. La chanteuse launched into music in 2010 (and signed to Warner in 2013) with a mix of influences: pop, reggaeton and surtout, bailey funk. Le baile funk ou funk carioca is exciting electronic music that can be heard in the favelas and clubs of Brazil. Souvent is accused of glorifying violence, an aggressive and sexual genre that has souffre spirits with these conventions found in war scenes, gang and drug histories. Sur ses réseaux sociaux, la star écrit: “Le funk fait party de la culture de ceux qui vivirt dans les favelas brésiliennes, d’où je viens. He is a judge without valor and a member of society associated with organized crime. Un reflet des prejugés de classe et du racisme qui antent notre société.“Anitta, who appreciates social revenges souvent associées au baile funk et ajoute sa touche: évoquer l’amour et la confance en soi.

“Remove cellulite in the morning, which means that you have left me in your diet or for all your exercise days and that you have lost it.” Anitta

An irresistible formula surtout quand on y ajoute le sens des business d‘Anitta. Parlant Portuguese, English and Spanish (elle a même appris l’an dernier un peu de français), elle s’impose de plus en plus dans son pais comme à l’international. Anitta thought of everything (image, clips, streaming, etc.). Elle étudie seule le marche pop International pour esceer de faire les chosen différemment et trouver sa propre voie. She did not consider herself the best singer or the best dancer, but most of all she felt herself in the light of the great power of work. “O Bresil, my own manager, aw-t-el, I think this is my escort’s super equipment. I also manage other artists without public appearance.” And on a completely fair trust in the singer’s instincts.

In the chanson video Vai Malandrabecome an anthem body positivity, His performances are a big plan without cellulite. Elle nous raconte à ce sujet: “Cellulite in real life means that I spoil myself in the regime or in all sports competitions on all days and it hates me. Pour the scene or my feelings and cellulite fell upon me when my budget was lost to betray the image and catch, I refused. I don’t know what I need to support cellulite in the video, which is what you chose, that people were driving to a concert or the paparazzi took a photo of me on the beach. The implementer suggests what needs to be done to see the entire scene. I don’t like this image. I say: be on your guard, I want and assume this cellulite.”

Anitta – Funk Rave (2023).

Join a pop star at Harvard

Ojourduy, Anitta, who wants to sort the album Funk generation, not long ago I chose proof Brazil or it is perceived as a national treasure. Elle donne des conférences sur son parcours notamment at Harvard. These are the four albums that brought success and above all all the singles that are advertised in the high charts of Bresil. He exported his music all over the world and collaborated with artists like him. Madonna, Cardi B, Sam SmithSnoop Dogg, Maluma, J BalvinDJ Snake, Major Lazer or an encore performance by Caetano Veloso.

Neymar also plays as a temporary plus video that the duo uses on social networks. And Netflix dedicated two documentary series. Continue on to find out that she created the character of Anitta, a powerful woman and a woman without inhibitions, to free herself from the sexual abuse she described. The winning diva impersonating him controls his son’s body and then tells him: women empowerment comme l’une de ses main batailles. “I consider myself a feminist explain. And I thought feminism was a matter of freedom. He has the ability to choose what you like, no matter what others think. Lots of no encores for women. He can afford it, without prejudices and prejudices. If you need a dress, you will see a receptionist. Si je veux faire de la plastic surgery, alors j’en fais.”

“If I see vêtement, I see a porter. If I see plastic surgery, I will see it.” Anitta

The singer admits her freedom is well understood. “When I started, I had a lot of problems, I think I had a sexy image. Des jugements de la part of journalists, du public…. Le Bresil is a country in which a hypocritical attitude persists. Lots of Brésiliens have printed these modified fonts to add a beautiful image that can be dangerous. Vaut-il mieux dire la verité en risquant de fâcher quelques personnes ou vivre une vie de mensonges et decevoir tout le monde le jour orù on sera démasque? “By insisting on honesty, remaining authentic, I can gain credibility in my payments.”

Ouvertement bisexuelle, affichant son soutien au mouvemenBlack lives matter (Le père d’Anitta est noir tandis que sa mère est blanche) and realizing that climate change, the pop star means that the son pays. In Bresil, people unite the LGBTQ+ community and brutal politics, while President Jair Bolsonaro encourages climate skeptics. Anitta is aware of the role of the icon in codes. “I think some people are interested in Brazil. conclude-t-elle, machine je dis tout ce que je thought. When you have great visibility, people are interested in your performances. It is important to me that I serve my prominence for discussions on these topics. Si je vois mon pas se comporter, ce qui se passe en ce moment avec notre Président, le low que je puisse faire, c’est de m’impliquer dans le débat.” If she is busy with music, then Anitta wants to find a psychologist. Accompanied by elle soigne les cœurs, les corps et les esprits à grands coups de mélodies chaloupées…

The Funk Generation (2024) d’Anitta, in stock.

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