Mallorca 0-1 Betis: Treasure on the island of Altimira from Socrates’ Cave

He Real Betis won again at home(0-1) V League five and a half months later, since he had not done so since the opening day in Ceramics (1-2). And, with the exception of rare cases (in Limassolin front of him ArisV UEL; And in Almendralejo and Villanueva de la Serenaagainst Hernan Cortes and VillanovenseV Spanish Cup), those from Manuel Pellegrini They missed out on their great season Benito Villamarininterrupted last Sunday before FC Barcelona (2-4) and before Rangers (2-3) send them to Conference. It’s logical to get closer to Europe You need to be more regular, which the Heliopolitans understood very well in Palma de Mallorca. Against an extremely solvent opponent at home, he ended up being right Javier Aguirre What do you have them in? “measure adopted” the Chilean team that scored a goal in the extension of the first half, thanks to a magnificent goal Altimiraand successfully defended himself, Outstanding Socratesfind treasure on the island from a cave.

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