Manichaeism in relation to Israel

Following the news of the Israeli government banning Antonio Guterres from traveling to Tel Aviv because he considers him a “killer and friend of rapists,” there has been a serious failure to analyze the current Middle East conflict in a minimally balanced manner.

Manichaeism in relation to Israel

In this struggle we observe relevant aspects of our sleepy societies and Manichaeism that confront the most serious problems affecting us.

With regard to the State of Israel, something obvious has been invoked, Israel’s right to defend itself and to exist, but the limits of these postulates have not been analyzed. The right to self-defense is in doubt because it includes the invasion of a sovereign country like Lebanon, the extermination of fifteen thousand children in Gaza, the bombing of cities like Beirut, where Hezbollah terrorists and people outside this organization are killed.

Israel’s right to exist may not be debatable, but its government has found an opportunity to arm its most radical ministers, the so-called sixth pillar defenders, to impose a new order. The opportunity for these characters is unique, the United States neutralized the power of its elections and the Jewish lobby, Europe became divided in some cases like Germany due to the weight of its history and in other cases other European states simply because of rhetoric. Because of such statements or ready-made phrases, which do not make any difference to Israel.

According to the information that is gradually emerging, Iran’s aggression and Israel’s reactions almost seem to be part of an agreed confrontation in which the damage caused cannot be exceeded. Both actors have more than apparent self-restraint and appear to allocate their actions for the internal consumption of their own societies.

We find ourselves with a weak Iranian government, a fragmented society that does not attract the support of most Arab countries, especially those of the Sunni religion. A society in Israel that watches with disbelief how its government has forgotten about the hostages captured almost a year ago and considers the operation that allegedly justified the invasion of Gaza.

The new order, which for some members of the government refers to the Old Testament, which indicates that it is about reclaiming the old Promised Land, is simply based on statements by some ministers interpreting the Torah and saying “I am the Lord Heed the call of “am.” The God of Abraham, your father, and the God of Isaac; I will give the land on which you lie to you and your descendants.”

It is about Israel achieving a state that reaches from the Gaza Sea to the Litani River, which would render Palestinians redundant in the region. By the way, the Litani River is the main source of water in southern Lebanon.

This conflict has some religious components and many geostrategic components. The irrelevance of the religious component is seen in the fact that Iran, a Shia country, supports a Sunni organization such as Hamas and how Hezbollah has made agreements with the heads of Maronite Christianity in Lebanon.

The game, in which the losers will once again be the Palestinians, involves avoiding a regional war that would make it difficult for Western countries to use the Strait of Hormuz to transport oil, as it could easily be controlled and maintained by Iran. Can be done. A pro-West state like Israel that can guarantee with its military power the businesses of countries like the Arab Emirates, Jordan or Egypt or Saudi Arabia that provide energy to the Western world.

The origins of the State of Israel date back to 1947, after World War II, in which year the United Nations agreed to divide the Palestinian territory between Jews and Arabs. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the independence of the new State of Israel, embodying the proposal of Theodor Herzl, which advocated the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine as a solution to anti-Semitism . This thinker thought in his book The Jewish State that the integration of Jews into Christian society was impossible.

Several Arab–Israeli conflicts have occurred since then: 1956: Suez Crisis (Sinai War); 1967: Six Day War; 1973: Yom Kippur War (October War); 1982: First Lebanon War; 2000–2005: Second intifada (Al-Aqsa Intifada); 2006: Second Lebanon War until the Hamas massacre of 7 October 2023.

These wars, which are always won by Israel due to its technological superiority and greater military effectiveness, are increasing their original territory with new displacements of the Palestinian population to neighboring countries or to the concentration camp areas adjacent to the Oslo Accords by which they were created. . Gaza and West Bank.

The expansion of Israel’s territory coincided with the generalization of the colonies. There are currently about 337 Israeli settler settlements spread across East Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank. All of these are considered illegal by the United Nations and a large part of the international community, as they lie beyond the territorial boundaries of Israel included in the Oslo Accords signed by the Zionist state and which later became the Palestinian National Authority in 1993. These settlers are also ultra-Orthodox, militaristic in their religious conceptions as they are heavily armed and exempt from participating in the Israeli military and paying taxes. They constitute a kind of parallel army which, in the current conflict, has, among other tasks, blocked the passage of humanitarian aid to the attacked population.

Everything said is intended to produce a historical reflection, without prejudices or ideological alignments, that the conflict is as enduring as it is complex.

It cannot be forgotten that the reason for what is happening now was the Hamas aggression of October 7, 2023, but all events taking place in this unfortunate region of the world have underlying components that should not be ignored and which are fatal. Well, Israel has peaceful coexistence with its neighbors and even less so with the Palestinian people.


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