Maria Corina Machado’s legal team could not access her file at the TSJ

Maria Corina Machado speaks to journalists outside the Supreme Court of Justice in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE/Miguel Gutierrez

The legal representative of María Corina Machado, Perquis Rocha, explained this Tuesday that they had gone to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to find out how the appeal submitted by the presidential candidate for his alleged disqualification had progressed, but he had to Access not found. Second time in the file. Time.

“Today we assist the TSJ in reviewing, through factual and precautionary protection, the claim file in the Political-Administrative Chamber that María Corina Machado has filed against the obstacles that prevent her from exercising her political rights and from the President. Debars you from participating as a candidate in the elections,” the lawyer wrote on his X account.

“For the second time, the SPA did not give us access to the file to examine it and not only to know the procedure, but, in particular, to know from the first source of the alleged non-compliance that the Comptroller General of the Comptroller General’s Political-Administrative Chamber Requested the Republic to file the administrative background of the case,” he said.

Rocha explained that the obstruction leaves Machado in a complex state of defenselessness, preventing him from receiving information about the judicial process he faces. Furthermore, they indicated that the TSJ jeopardizes constitutional guarantees of due process and compliance with agreements signed in Barbados.

The legal representatives will continue to insist on the means of constitutional law and are confident that the truth will emerge in the said case.

(TagstoTranslate)Maruda Corina Machado’s Legal Team(T)Maruda Corina Machado(T)Perquis Rocha(T)Political Administrative Chamber(T)TSJ

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