Mariano Barbacid names CRIS Cancer Foundation as one of his heirs

The CRIS Foundation against Cancer, a reference organization in research on this disease, together with Mariano Barbacid, an international reference researcher in cancer, call on civil society to actively participate in research and, as an example, Barbacid has bequeathed to the CRIS Foundation against Cancer.

Mariano Barbacid assures that “the richest countries are those that invest the most in research, because it translates into wealth, progress and social well-being.” In particular, the researcher declared that he is “healthy and ready to continue to be at the forefront of the canyon for many years to come.” This is the first thing he explained with a smile, and a few seconds later he became serious and announced that he had decided that his The legacy continues his life’s great mission: curing cancer. To this end, he left part of his legacy to the CRIS Cancer Foundation, thus becoming the main character of #eltestamentoconmásHEREDEROSdelmundo.

“Cancer is not one disease, but hundreds of them, and some of them, like pancreatic cancer, have a very difficult prognosis today. If we invest the necessary resources, my daughters will be able to see the end of this project. For them and for all the people who have lived through this, are suffering and will suffer. “I want to dedicate part of my legacy to funding the only thing that can truly end this: research.”

Mariano Barbacid, an oncology researcher, is currently Director of the Experimental Oncology Group of the National Cancer Research Center -CNIO- and also manages Pancreas CRIS ProjectAn ambitious study aimed at developing an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer, a type of cancer with a 95% mortality rate that kills 7,000 people in Spain every year.

The Will with the Largest Number of Heirs in the World

Cancer is a public health problem: 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop the disease during their lifetime. Moreover, since June last year, tumors have become the leading cause of death in Spain. In particular, the most diagnosed tumors in Spain, according to the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM-), in 2023 are: colon and rectum (42,721 new cases), breast (35,001), lung (31,282), prostate (29,002) and bladder (21,694).

The CRIS Cancer Foundation raises funds from civil society to support public health research and ensure that all patients have access to the most innovative and appropriate treatments for their cancer. Making a solidarity will in favor of the CRIS Cancer Foundation is part of the will of most heirs in the world, because each The funds received are used for scientific research, and cancer research benefits us all.

“We dedicate the funds we receive from inheritance and legacy to our mission; to end cancer. In fact, if you wish, you can specify what project you want it dedicated to. We will make sure that your wishes are carried out,” he explains. Marta Cardona, CEO of the CRIS Cancer Foundation.

Big Issues: Pancreatic Cancer and Childhood Cancer

This year, the CRIS Cancer Foundation will use bequests and charitable donations to fund pancreatic and childhood cancer research. The resources will help fund research conducted Dr. Antonio Perez in the CRIS Advanced Therapy Unit of the University Hospital of La Paz, as well as a very promising line of research: the CRIS project on the origins of pancreatic cancer, led by Dr. Meritxell Rovira at the Idibella Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research/University of Barcelona.

Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death among children under 14 years of age in developed countries. Fortunately, childhood cancer is rare, but its consequences

in the lives of boys and girls, as well as their families, is usually overwhelming. It is estimated Every year in Spain, about 1,600 boys, girls and teenagers are diagnosed with the disease. for various types of childhood cancers, the most common of which are leukemia, central nervous system tumors, lymphomas, and neuroblastomas. Fortunately, survival rates are high – over 80% worldwide – although many children do not respond to treatment or relapse. It is therefore vital to advance research to develop treatments.

it is advisable and to minimize side effects.

In 2018, the CRIS Cancer Foundation created the pioneering CRIS Research Unit for Advanced Treatments in Childhood Cancer at the University Hospital of La Paz in Madrid. where 900 boys and girls with a wide range of diseases and tumors were treated. This division of CRIS combines cutting-edge research with the development of clinical trials to treat cancer patients who do not respond to other treatments.

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