Mars’ glaciers may be suitable for microscopic life: ‘They hide habitable zones’

Evidence of activity on Mars by certain atmospheric cycles water disproved the age-old idea that it was an inert planet and raised the hopes of those hoping to find Martian lifeat least at the microbial level. New study published Connection Earth and environment found a candidate place to accommodate this lifestyle: ice deposits in mid-latitude gorges.

Because its magnetic field is less powerful than Earth’s, Mars’ atmosphere is constantly being eroded by solar radiation and solar winds, eventually making it hostile to life, just like our planet. However, researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, have suggested that light layer of ice can protect the cells inside. Moreover, if you were in deep zone -to avoid ultraviolet radiation – but with lighting it is possible photosynthesis.

“The authors modeled the changes that occur in sunlight as it passes through masses of ice mixed with dust on the surface of the planet Mars. They assessed how these changes would affect hypothetical organisms living inside this ice, reducing radiation levels until they became tolerable and resilient. variations in the solar spectrum that will allow metabolism based on photosynthesis,” explains Antonio Molinaplanetary geologist of the Department of Planetology and Habitability of the Center for Astrobiology (CAB), Scientific Media Center.

“Mars has such a thin atmosphere—without an ozone layer—that radiation from the Sun reaches the surface with enough force to sterilize her. This is why areas below the surface are considered much more suitable for life,” continues Molina. “However, the ability to use solar radiation as an energy source is an advantage.”

Ice alone will not be enough to mitigate the damage, he continues. “But if this ice is mixed with dust particles (regolith) would not only be enough to stop it, but would also allow photosynthetic organisms to take advantage of the resulting radiation.” Thus, the study made it possible to determine wherehabitability range‘on Mars.

“That is, at what depth inside these Martian glaciers can life as we know it flourish,” the specialist adds. “And they evaluate it by whether they are at different latitudes, with different solar inclinations, ice particle sizes and the amount of intercellular dust. These data could help better delineate the most suitable areas for searching for life on Mars under current conditions.” and future missions.”

Cryoconite holes in the Matanuska Glacier in Alaska.

Cryoconite holes in the Matanuska Glacier in Alaska.

Kimberly Casey

Greenland example

Researchers are paying attention to the phenomenon cryoconite on Earth, as observed in glaciers in regions such as Alaska and Greenland. This is because dust that settles on the surface of the ice eventually melts it and drills small holes with liquid water inside. However, for this to happen, the glacier can’t be too dusty -because it will block all the sunlight- not too coldbecause it won’t melt. Therefore, potential ice on Mars should be located in southern latitudes, and not at its poles.

“This is a very interesting study,” he says. Jesus Martinez Friasplanetary geologist and astrobiologist from IGEO (CSIC-UCM) and president of the Spanish Network of Planetology and Astrobiology. Previous studies, he notes, have been conducted “in planetary environment simulation chambers,” but “this work goes further,” with “more complex and global analyses, taking into account potentially similar Earth-Mars regions—Greenland in particular—for model experiments.

Nevertheless, Cesar Menor Salvanprofessor of biochemistry at the University of Alcalá, points out the “limitations”. The research is solid, but “it is based on earthly life, on cyanobacteriaterrestrial photosynthetic bacteria.” They suggest that potential Martian life could have evolved similarly to that on Earth, “with similar photosynthetic mechanisms, DNA, and resistance to ultraviolet radiation.” appeared at a time when the planet was located “completely different environmental conditions“those who are now.

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