Marta Ortega values ​​Inditex’s ‘soul’, the company’s key to overcoming challenges

The president Inditex, Marta Ortegadelivered a speech on Tuesday during the company’s general shareholders’ meeting celebration in which he acknowledged the work done over the past 2023 and in which he praised the company’s “soul”, which he considers key to overcoming the challenges that the crisis is facing.

“A soul full of contrasts that define it and make it strong”For Ortega, this is the key to overcoming the company’s difficulties. A soul in which “the big and the small coexist, the care for every detail and the desire for big projects,” he added.

Ortega also recalled that “Inditex is still here where it was born” although he does so “from a close perspective, but observing the whole world.” “At Inditex, we look to the future, but we do not lose sight of the past. We are always looking for a balance between our essence and the constant transformation of the world around us,” he emphasized.

This is how he described the work done at Inditex during his speech at the shareholders’ meeting, where CEO Oscar Maceirasassessed that growth in 2023 and early 2024 was “efficient, profitable and responsible,” noting “the ability to seize opportunities across all formats, channels and markets.”

In his presentation, he also reminded shareholders of the investments planned for 2024: 1800 million euros on an ordinary basis and 900 million euros in extraordinary investments. (to which another 900 will be added in 2025), which “will allow the development of new logistics opportunities, mainly in Spain,” he assured.

Naming of the Roman Nativity

Also on Tuesday, the next general meeting of Inditex shareholders approved the appointment Belen Romana Garciaformer president of the asset management company from Bank Restructuring (Sareb), which will Independent Director, replacing Anna Lange.

In addition, they agreed on Re-election of Baroness Denise Kingsmill as an independent director and the appointment of Flora Perez Marcote, Amancio Ortega’s wife as her own director. Flora Pérez Marcote has until now been the representative of Pontegadea Inversiones on the board of directors of Inditex.

In addition, it was approved reducing the mandate of new directors to two years.

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