Martha Rumbau, 5 months pregnant, ends up in the emergency room: her medical diagnosis

Marta Rumbau, influencer and ex-girlfriend of Diego MatamorosGetty Images

Martha Rumbau went to the emergency room five months pregnant due to bleeding.. The Barcelona influencer, ex-girlfriend of Diego Matamoros, shared her medical diagnosis through her official Instagram profile. The 36-year-old content creator admitted that was worried and that “he got a little scared” when he saw the blood, especially considering how delicate health condition in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The IT-girl is very honest with her followers about the whole pregnancy process, which has its ups and downs. Although she has long dreamed of it (she even thought about her daughter’s name since childhood), the Catalan admits that it is not as pleasant as she expected.

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While there are times when she forgets she’s pregnant and continues to act like an earthshaker while doing her “job” around the house, there are others when Martha Rumbau has to use the handbrake. Like he did now. The woman who was Diego Matamoros’s partner for two years explained that He had to go to the emergency room because of the bleeding that frightened him..

Especially considering the complications and risk of miscarriage that occurs in the first months of pregnancy. “I had a drop of blood, and since I already had a hematoma, I was a little scared. Therefore, I chose to go to the emergency room. There they looked at everything well and did an ultrasound. They did a transvaginal ultrasound to make sure the discharge was not coming from the uterus. and that everything was fine, and in this part everything seemed to be fine, there were no problems, it didn’t look like it came out of the womb,” explained the content creator, who is now five months pregnant.

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Medical diagnosis of Martha Rümbau, 5th month of pregnancy.

But Martha Rumbau I suspected it might be something else because of the symptoms I was experiencing.“I told them to look at my urine because I had some symptoms of a urine infection every now and then, but it wasn’t constant and it didn’t sting when I pee or anything, but it was a weird feeling. They looked at it and , It really upset me. They didn’t tell me I had a horse urine infection like they usually say because I’m very prone to that, but yeah,” explained the influencer, who took antibiotics.

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But that wasn’t the only thing he learned during his hospital visit, because An ultrasound revealed something that explains many of the discomforts. that the 36-year-old is suffering in this first quarter. “He told me he put her ass down and that’s why I feel a lot more pressure than usual and that I need to go to the toilet or feel like I’m peeing. In fact, many of his blows land directly on my bladder, and I notice this often,” explains Diego Matamoros’s ex-girlfriend.

But Martha Rumbau does not care about these inconveniences, as long as “everything is fine” and under control. That’s why, tomorrow he will go to his family doctorto whom he reported all this, and You will go to the hospital again to make sure there is no more infection..

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