“Memory”: Jessica Chastain is completely dumbed down as an ex-alcoholic

Mais où s’arrêtera-t-elle? In this film of this series, Jessica Chastain is at the level of the skull – which we can confirm with the appearance in the series “Meurtres sans ordonnance” (Netflix) and “George and Tammy” (Paramount+), for you, plus great pleasure for you as a viewer. Ce mercredi, this is in the long cinema “Memory”, which is a performance nous laisse sans voix. Signé du Mexicoin Michel Franco, the film corresponds to the daily life of Sylvia, a Russian joy who works in the structure of helping people with disabilities. In the beauty genre of anticipation, Sylvia gives up her free time when she finds herself in a time where she lives alone and reunites with Alcoholics Anonymous.

On the other hand, it is important to protect yourself from the outside world so that alcohol is not the cause of his torment, but a consequence. All the people who have lost their luck demand Silvia, who occupies the brother’s son, the muthik of Saul, who saves the terrible memories that paralyze and sentence him to rest in the confusion of his Louis. Bad debut: Sylvie croit reconnaître and Saul un jeune homme qui l’a agressée sexuellement au l’ycée, avant de realiser qu’elle fait erreur. Leurs échanges vont déboucher sur une leurs d’amour liberatrice pour Sylvia, qui souffrait jusque-là de gros problèmes Relationships avec sa famille, en particular avec sa mère. So, that means you’re avoiding playing an important role in Sylvia’s psychological development…

Absolutely incredible ending

The surprise premiere that was made for the premiere, Michel Franco refused the tendency of the buyer, the film within the film, to make it even worse. Some Dark Moments, Memento multiplies the bright episodes and offers an absolutely incredible finale to the tumultuous story of these two troubled men in opposition, l’un tâchant de Retrouver sa Mémoire, l’autre Faisant tout pour oublier son passé.

Pour service au Mieux Son Récit, le Cinéaste, offering roles or in large numbers of the three main comedians. Jessica Chastain – full of absurdity, stunned, époustouflante dans sa façon d’exprimer toutes les angoisses et les les tragedies cumulées dans l’ame de son personnage. This title features a side sex scene in a comedic style “on the occasion of the fair”, a passer-by, all kinds of emotions, first of all: the high will section.

Face à elle, Peter Sarsgaard, shows a performance advertised as the role of one stuck on the edge of an abyss, parvenant à faire douter sans cesse le spectateur sur ses intentions à l’égard de Sylvia et de sa fille: introductory part! Enfin, young Brooke Timber is happy in the world of girl Sylvia, as complex as conflicting emotions permeate the spirit of a teenager who makes it fair in the pledge between her mother and Saul, who are not lost, in the premiere. que leur convergence pourrait Tourner also à la collision qu’à la fusion. All three, superbly directed by the cinematography, placed them in a scene with a sober bienvenue, parviennent à faire chavirer notre cœur à plusieurs, reprises. A great movie!

Editor’s note:

Memory »

Michelle Franco with Jessica Chastain, Peter Sarsgaard, Merritt Weaver, Brooke Timber… (1 hour 40 minutes).

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