Mia Khalifa: “Le gouvernement ne veut pas que vous sachiez que…”

Mia Khalifa’s Humorous Message About Lifestyle Information Govt. “ne veut pas que vous sachiez” It goes viral on social media.

L’Ancienne Star des Films for Adults stimulates the regulation of discussions among social media users.

She sought to experience big events among other people, the conflicts between Palestine and Israel, or the lives of other celebrities.

It’s a mixture of political commentary with humor, a person of Lebanese origin, attention to X, old Twitter and messages about films.

“Le gouvernement ne veut pas que vous sachiez que si vous vous reveillez assez tôt, vous avez le temps de viewer un Film au Lit avant que le reste du monde ne leve”written by Mia Khalifa on social media.

The publication caused a reaction on the street.

“Elle a compris”to declare a user “L’une des nombreuses chooses that the government does not know what you are doing.”

Also, some X ont users seem to be a poor interpreter of le ton de la blague. L’un d’entre eux se presentant comme originaire du Canada, demanded by the star: “Which government? »

“My government has never tried to convince me that I don’t need to worry about the importance of the moment and the fairness of the fact that I want to sleep.

I don’t understand what government is, or what government has to do with business? »at-il ajoute.

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