Microsoft crashes live | Computer glitch cancels 105 flights in Spain and delays many of 3,520 flights operating before 2:30 p.m. | Technology

Computer failure causes problems in institutions and companies in Osakidetsa, Ena, Baskov.

The computer failure this Friday caused problems in many Euskadi companies, such as Mercedes, delays at airports, as well as in two banks, Kutxabank and Laboral, as well as institutions such as the Basque Government, provincial councils and Osakidetza. Sources in the Basque Department of Health confirm that there have been incidents in the Osakidetza network with citizens registering via the computer platform. However, the autonomous executive power has made it clear that these problems do not affect security and continues to work on solving one of the biggest problems: making appointments with a doctor.

The situation reached Izenpe, the Basque administration’s electronic identification platform, which prevented documents from being signed in the early hours, although the problem was resolved throughout the morning.

Basque airports are also restoring some of their systems, and all are operational, according to Aena, which is working across Spain to mitigate the problem for travellers and redirect affected traffic to alternative systems. At Euskadi, around thirty flights departing from Bilbao airport have experienced minor delays of around twenty minutes, although the Loiu terminal is returning to normal throughout the morning. However, rail services have not been affected.

Important companies such as Mercedes Vitoria also faced production problems, especially in the assembly department, while Michelin managed to avoid them.

Financial firms such as Kutxabank have seen service slow down, although they have been operating as usual since 10:00.

Institutions such as the Provincial Council of Alava, for example, also had problems with applications that allow remote connections. However, in the City Council of Vitoria, problems were only with Isenpe.

In Gipuzkoa, municipal and regional services are operating normally, as is CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles), one of the most important companies in the territory, which is not affected by the decree.

In the San Sebastian City Hall, the “small problem” with electronic signatures has only lasted about an hour, while in the provincial office they are registered in the Izenpe service, but resolved quickly.

Yes, there were incidents at Laboral Kutxa, but they had been resolved since 09:30. The situation was “general but very unstable and uneven,” sources at the organization said, adding that offices and ATMs were now functioning normally.

Another large company, Eroski, has not “directly” encountered any problems and is also operating without problems. Yes, “third parties” that provide services to the supermarket and hypermarket chain, such as banks, have suffered, sources in the cooperative say. (Efe)

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