Mondino and his cruelty: “The Chinese are all the same” He said he could not tell a scientist from a soldier.

chancellor Diana Mondino This Thursday he mentioned the Chinese base in Argentina. He did so when asked about the military presence of the Asian giant. Mondino responded with complete brutality: he said it was not possible to identify whether civilians or soldiers had taken part. “They’re all Chinese, they’re all the same”,

This issue concerns the reunification of Argentina with the United States. Javier Miley wants to emulate the physical relations of Carlos Menem in the 90s, which is why, for several weeks, the national government has been manipulating everything related to the scientific basis. which our country shares with China in NeuquénThere is talk of sending a delegation to investigate whether something is hidden, despite the fact that the Asian giant shares all the results of the investigation with national organizations.

In that context, Mondino assured this Thursday that “the Chinese are all the same,” pointing out that he had not identified military personnel at that country’s space base in Neuquén. “The people who were investigating did not recognize that there were military personnel there. They are Chinese, they are all the same.”Foreign Minister indicated in statements bugle,

This phrase appeared in response to a question about whether military personnel at the base located in Argentine Patagonia had been identified, to which the United States government paid special attention and Was the subject of a conversation with General Laura Richardson of Southern Command in early April,

“Observations have already been conducted on Chinese and European space stations, It was the same team for both of them and the same week, nothing seemed strange to those teams,” Mondino explained.

Creole Duck

This is not the first time that Mondino has failed to hide his cruelty. A few weeks ago, sitting at Mirta Legrand’s table, the Chancellor said – with a smile with perfect teeth – why it is absurd for him that retirees have access to credit: “By definition, we’re all going to die someday and if you’re a retiree of a certain age you’re almost certainly going to die.” His logic confirms this abc Libertarian government aims to monetize life to the maximum and by definition the criteria for what is useful and what is not depends on how it is sold or how it can be paid for.

But cases accumulate. For example, when he asked that he encourage trolls so that they would have more comments than Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s original tweet. This came after the Mexican President called Miley ignorant and one of the accounts that usually interacts with the Argentine President (@usdtermo) challenged that a photo of Miley was going to get “more likes.” Instead of calming the waters, it was published by Mondino.

And in the review we can also mention the time when he left, without any evidence, a veil of doubt about alleged “infiltrators” who were going to destabilize President Xavier Miley in his inaugural speech in Congress. Or the time when he did not even make red by taking aim at Natalia Zaracho because the deputy and Cartonera – who were born in a context of social vulnerability – did not finish high school.


The Malvinas issue deserves a separate paragraph. Mondino said in hushed tones that the country had few formal complaints against England, ““lowercase letters”And that if you must confront your English counterpart regarding Malvinas, it is best to do so with your “Chicanas tweeters.”

He did so in a television interview when asked by a journalist about the Foreign Office’s action regarding the visit of United Kingdom Foreign Minister David Cameron to the Falklands, the Chancellor said that “there were not a lot of options” because “they They did not pass through Argentinian territory”. “What we’re going to do is shoot down the plane with a missile,” he commented with a Córdoba accent and an attempt at humor.

When the purpose of cross-examination was to explain why no formal complaint was made on behalf of the National State, Mondino put forward his view. “It hurts more to have an Englishman laugh at the English language than one of the many little letters sent constantly by Argentina,” he said, and admitted it was a hoax of him – he posted on Twitter that he had heard Cameron. Was thanked for his visit. Argentina-, “This hurts more than just another little letter.”

So far, it is unknown whether any of the minister’s advisers whispered in his ear that neither England’s Prime Minister nor its Chancellor follow him on the far-right’s favorite network. That is to say, perhaps he did not even confirm the receipt of “Chicana”.

Paris, before Beijing

Mondino’s latest statement came from Paris, where he is attending a meeting of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). But the Chancellor did not arrive in France from Buenos Aires, but in fact spent several weeks in the Chinese capital where she Met Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

The reason for the visit revolved around rebuilding relations after provocations by the national government, including the President’s accusations (predicting that he would “not maintain relations with the Communists”) and photos of the Chancellor with Taiwanese diplomats. , a sensitive topic for the geopolitics of the Asian giants, but, above all, it was marked by the need to renegotiate swap payments by the Chinese government to avoid causing an earthquake in Argentina’s monetary reserves.

The ball is now in Beijing. It remains to be seen whether they take these latest statements as merely a passing comment or if they decide to take drastic measures, for example, reviewing credit histories and demanding that the country track them effectively and Pay promptly: They may claim that because, to them, loans are “all the same.”

(TagstoTranslate)Country(T)Diana Mondino(T)China(T)Javier Miley

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