monitor for fatigue and shortness of breath to avoid serious cases

Nieves Sebastian Mongares
XEC sub-variant of Covid-19 is actively promoting in Europe. This is how this happens with other respiratory viruses, and has already been recorded in previous seasons with this coronavirus. new mutations overcome community-acquired immunity so that the virus can continue to find hosts.

In the case of the XEC sub-option, as explained Dr. Maria del Mar Thomasmicrobiologist in Hospital of La Coruña and representative of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) “In principle, this variant comes from the most common on the European and American continents, KS1.1 and KS3.3.” However, Dr. Thomas sends an encouraging message, saying that “in principle, At the level of patient involvement, comorbidity and mortality, there is no scientific evidence that makes a difference compared to the previous ones. In fact, based on what is known so far, the microbiologist points out that ““A priori, this does not entail a greater risk and should not lead to a health crisis.”

Regarding the recent increase in hospitalizations, Dr. Thomas explains that “May be, since the immunity of previous subvariants is lost over timeit can expand quickly, as has happened quickly in the United States and Europe, which It started in Germany in June and has reached 11 countries.which suggests it will prevail in the coming months.”

Symptoms and vaccination

“You must give message of calm for in principle it does not seem likely to give any symptoms different from the former; will have flu symptom pattern such as headache, loss of taste and may experience significant fatigue.” developed by Dr. Thomas.

The microbiologist emphasizes that this is necessary.”send a message about Patients with comorbidities and planning vaccination are recommended to get vaccinated against both Covid-19 and influenza.In this regard, Dr. Thomas notes that “There are updated vaccines for the latest sub-variants that will provide protection against XEC, meaning the ones that will be helpful are the Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax vaccines.”

Dr. Thomas remembers that thanks to immunization, “HE avoid the risk of hospitalization in older people or changes in underlying medical conditions due to Covid-19, which happened with other subvariants.”

Risks and returns due to Covid-19

Regarding the increase in hospitalizations reported by several countries, Dr. Thomas points to several reasons. “Now all seasonal viruses have arrived“At the moment we are not seeing an increase in positive PCR results for Covid-19, so we need to see how influenza behaves and how Covid-19 and influenza will compete with others such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).” . And this is exactly what the microbiologist believes, “maybe behind increase in income, combination of respiratory viruses added to temperature change

Dr. Thomas urges taking into account symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath, especially in older patients or those with underlying health conditions, which can lead to hospitalization.

In this calm tone, Dr. Thomas focuses on “in more vulnerable patients or with more comorbidities Symptoms such as extreme fatigue and shortness of breath should be taken into account.which may indicate that the patient requires hospitalization.” Other symptoms, such as cough, fever, sore throat, or loss of taste and smell, may be due to other respiratory conditions. But given the risks associated with fatigue and shortness of breath, Dr. Thomas clarifies that “that’s why you should vaccinate to definitely prevent reaching this point and causing pneumonia.because with immunization the risks decrease.”

Dr. Thomas remembers that situations like this will be common every season. Immunity is altered, and each year there is a risk of infection with these new subvariants.and elderly and vulnerable patients who would be at risk of shortness of breath will need to protect themselves every year; Collective defense must be encouraged.”

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