More than 350 young people from the District received the papilloma vaccine.

In principle, this immunization is completely voluntary and families must contact their primary health care centers if they wish to receive it. However, in many of these health facilities, such as Fontela Maristani, health staff are calling young people born between 2006 and 2009 by phone to offer them the opportunity to get vaccinated, already setting up an appointment that they can refuse if they wish. Thus. This is a more active method that usually favors vaccination, since each center can create its own recruitment system depending on the resources it has, as explained by the General Directorate of Public Health, which is promoting this and other immunization campaigns currently underway.

In the Ferrol health region, more than 3,100 children are susceptible to this vaccine. They will also receive one dose because the usual two-dose guidelines were changed this year.
The Ministry of Health reminds that Galicia is awaiting the recommendation of the Public Health Commission to vaccinate children aged 15 to 18 years in 2025 in order to reduce the incidence of various types of cancer or cancer-related lesions. with this sexually transmitted virus.

In the health district of Ferrol, vaccination against human papilloma began in 2008, reaching 330 girls as of July 1, 1994. In the case of boys, the vaccine was included in 2022. As such, Xantha now offers the HPV vaccine when they turn 12 to both boys and girls.

Flu and Covid

The vaccination campaign against winter viruses, Covid and influenza is also ongoing, with special attention to people at risk such as the elderly, pregnant women, medical personnel and the immunocompromised population.

So, according to the established calendar, in the coming days, highly dependent people under 80 years old, people from 70 to 79 years old and risk groups will begin to be vaccinated, and from November 11 – those over 60 will be immunized.

Prostate cancer screening

On the other hand, a pilot screening program for early detection of prostate cancer began in the Health Zone last June. An action that is also promoted by the General Directorate of Public Health and in which other countries such as Ireland, Lithuania and Poland are participating. Since then, the Junta has been sending out 1,000 invitations a month, either by phone via text message or by mail, to men aged 50 to 69 living in the area.

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