Movie Quiz: If you have good memories, your fair is 9/9! – Actus Sine

Two days after the release of Michel Franco’s “Memento”, which marks the return of Jessica Chastain to the big screen, we invite you to play with the filmography of this talented comedian. 9 films in reconnaissance, this is part!

The actresses who were nominated for the debut event were the best on the big screen, with roles of fortresses and marquises, such as Kirsten Dunst and the petite vampire girl in Entretien with Neil Jordan’s vampire, when she didn’t know she was 12 years old. Kristen Stewart with Jodie Foster’s cats in David Fincher’s Panic Room (12 years old) or Dakota Fanning, who, at 7 years old, interpreted Sean Penn’s girl in Sam, as Sam.

Conversely, some comedy characters are always patient before meeting their big-screen premiere. For example, in the case of Jessica Chastain, who caused an aura at the prompter, there were three bougies for the son of the prime minister, long-meter Jolene, in 2008.

A career that is also rich for this actress, who will receive the Oscar de la Mailer in 2022 for the film inspired by the historical drama Dans les Yeux de Tammy Faye, a new nomination after the premiere in this category for the film Zero Dark Thirty, by Kathryn Bigelow.

Mercredi est donc sorti son dernier long-métrage en date, “Memory”, “Sylvia’s Story” is a social assistance that helps me in a simple structure related to the work and education of the girl, simply meeting Sol Lors D’Youn. reunion of ancient ancient people when they live on the boulevard, remember souvenirs douloureux que chacun avait enfouis jusque-là.

Retro-comedy très prochainement le cinematographer Michel Franco, for a new collaboration for the film “Dreams”. This figure is also part of the casting of Benoit Delhomme’s new film “Maternal Instinct” with Anne Hathaway, which will be released on Prime Video on June 7.

Returning to the big screen, Jessica Chastain has us feeling envious of the filmography quiz, with new films in the pipeline. vous de jouer!

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