Movie Review: Memory (2024)

Memory // Michael Franco. With Jessica Chastain, Peter Sarsgaard and Brooke Timber.

Rare in modern cinema are films that manage to convey the complexity of human emotions and mannerisms, as well as the poignancy they bring Memorymade by Mexican Michel Franco. The film, which won the award for male performance at the Mostra de Venise in 2023, offers a timely and disturbing study of the encounter between two people deeply marked by the traumas of their personnel. Toutefois, Malgré des aspects, undoubtedly réussis, Memory Comb to maintain coherence and profonder throughout the sound. The film tells about the interaction of two main people: one has lost his memory, and the other has two souvenirs. This duality is parfaitement mise en abîme par le titre. Memorywhich returns to memory, functioning cognitively and as souvenirs, these fragments of the passage are also very good from fardo and from sources of comfort.

Sylvia has a simple life, structured by her children, with work and AA meetings. Purtan, his memories of Saul’s Boulevard dedicated to existence, glorified souvenirs that are a thing of the past.

Michel Franco, who, compared to Michael Haneke, has the ability to understand the dark aspects of human existence, uses this report to explore actions that do not affect our relationships and are unable to influence traumatism. The characters are brilliantly interpreted and their vulnerability is immediately felt. In addition, if we talk about photography and mise en scene, this is a wonderful film in which the dialogues are parfait-superficial, which seem useless for the sentence. The main criticisms expressed by the addressee Memory problems are the narrative rhythm. The opening minutes of the film “Les soixante-dix” are a brutal dynamism. Franco in the composition of the tourneur-author du pot, hesitating in the confrontation with the heart of the son of destiny. This indecision creates a feeling of stagnation, which some viewers pourrait décourager.

The dialogues, although very funny, are highly emotional, as the scenes demand. In any case, the last minutes of the film correct a significant strip of action. It is in this conclusion that Franco montre vraiment son of the talent of the storyteller, giving moments of powerful and emotional catharsis. Malheureusement, these moments came late to compensate for the imbalance of the rhythm and the involvement of the two premiere levels of the film. A very interesting aspect Memory It is a reflection of toxic family dynamics. Franco has highlighted the problems that can help to avoid family clothes, but in reality manipulative and denying their own problems. This study of family relationships complicates the intellect and allows us to understand the sources of the difficult life of the main people.

The film shows the power of Catharticism and the Salvateur of L’Amour and La Bidveillance. Less traumatic, the characters find refuge and inspiration elsewhere. The theme is poignant and universal, it is heartfelt and demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. In summary, Memory It is a film that has its flaws, thanks to these moments of sincerity and brutal emotion. Michel Franco believes that there is an atmosphere that captivates the attention, even if the narrative is performed with non-intervention for moments. The acting, photography and mise-en-scène have undeniable merits, but the film is riddled with superficial dialogue and an unnatural rhythm. For lovers of introspective and emotional cinema. Memory It offers an experience that, although sometimes disappointing, gives a last glimmer. In addition, it is clear that Michel Franco was the reason for the realization of a masterpiece and was not the first to maintain consistency and be a professional in a long film.

Note: 5/10In short, it is a film that oscillates between the profound and the superficial, and one that, despite its failures, returns to touching the sensual moments of its viewers.

Sort May 29, 2024 in cinemas

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