Movistar Plus+ and Apple TV+ Alliance? This is what your customers will earn

Movistar Plus+ offers a variety of streaming platforms, and more recently customers can enjoy Max and SkyShowtime. Despite this, it seems that Movistar Plus+ wants to continue improving your current offer to take advantage of the rest of the carriers. And for that reason, Apple TV+ could become a new asset that no other carrier currently has on their TVs.

Movistar Plus+ and Apple TV+a new alliance that seems more and more real. The Spanish operator’s pay TV is negotiating the integration of Apple’s streaming into its content. Just as it already has other platforms such as Netflix, Max, SkyShowtime… But what benefits will the operator’s customers receive?

More entertainment from Movistar Plus+

By signing up for the Movistar TV tariff, the operator gives you the opportunity to use several TV packagesincluding Disney+, Netflix, SkyShowtime, Max, or DAZN. Although all indications are that customers will soon have the option to add another streaming service to their plans: Apple TV+.

The emergence of this platform will contribute to strengthening and, above all, improving the entertainment content offered to users. Movistar clients. It will thus continue the trend of expanding its content, as it recently did with the integration of Max and SkyShowtime into its catalogue.

Apple TV+ logo

Thus, Movistar Plus+ subscribers who have a tariff that includes this streaming service will have the opportunity to watch exclusive content from the Apple platform, which is distinguished by its high quality. Among the most notable titles are:Foundation‘, ‘Ted Lasso‘, ‘Morning show‘ or ‘Masters of the Air‘, among many other materials.

What benefits will your customers have?

As with other streaming services that have appeared on Movistar Plus+ over time, the operator will provide its subscribers with a number of benefits. In this case, for example, it will allow its customers to access this content. without having to change your subscription. And not only that, but most importantly, the simplification of platforms. This way, they will be able to have all the content they want to see on one platform, which in this case will be Movistar Plus+. This way, subscribers will be given the opportunity not to spend so much time accessing from other platforms.

TO unify streaming servicesit becomes easier for users to control what subscriptions they have. In addition, they can also receive other benefits, such as price increases or even promotions.

However, Movistar Plus+ and Apple TV+ are still in negotiations, and although they seem to be very advanced, nothing should be considered closed. This is because it is possible that it will not arrive at any port or will take longer than necessary, as happened last time with SkyShowtime or Max (whose content under the HBO Max brand arrived first).

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