Mysterious phenomenon on the Moon could be hidden in its whirlpools

The Moon’s vortices are an ancient mystery that doesn’t promise to be solved anytime soon, but for now, this explanation is actively emerging.

From 17th century There were some strange features observed on the surface of the Moon that we now know as “lunar vortices”. At that time there were already doubts about where these formations came from. The question is not yet completely clear, but scientific theory offers us an explanation.

Deep in our satellite

New research by scientists from Stanford University and the University of Washington (USA) refutes old hypothesis that lunar vortices arise when exposure meteorites on the moon It picks up charged dust particles and creates a barrier of electricity where they land. a magnetic field what does it reflect solar winds.

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The study, published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Planetsrevealed that Beneath the surface of the moon lies what was once molten rock.which suggests that our natural satellite had an important volcanic activity at a certain point in its history.

Based on this, the scientists used the model to study a titanium iron oxide mineral called ilmenitewhich is abundant in the volcanic rocks of the Moon. At the same time, they saw that the object of their analysis was capable of creating a powerful magnetic fieldsomething that the satellite no longer has.

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The new proposal is that lunar eddies may form due to these strong magnetic regions moons.

A more detailed examination is necessary, that is, practically drill the lunar surfaceto check it out what scientists say is trueThis will take years, and only then can the mystery be considered solved.

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