NASA Receives Video Signal Broadcast 31 Million Kilometers Away From Earth

POT achieved something new a milestone in the history of space communications: obtained at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) facilities video broadcast 31 million kilometers Lands.

This event was part of an experiment conducted by the Psyche space probewho passed on 15 second clip from kitty What It took just under 2 minutes to get to our place. planet.

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The transfer was part testing of deep space optical communication system (DSOC), designed to improve data throughput on future interplanetary missions, including possible missions to Mars.

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The video was received by NASA and broadcast from 31 million kilometers away from Earth. (Video: JPL/NASA)

This is an achievement in the field of communication technology. crucial for the future space explorationbecause it allows high-definition data to be transmitted over long distances. The achievement underscores the agency’s commitment to development of technologies that meet the needs data transfer in future missions

The test not only demonstrates the feasibility of sending video from space, but also establishes new standard for interplanetary communication speedoutperforming even many broadband connections in Earth.

How Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) Works

NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) system uses laser technology for transmitting data from spaceThis provides much greater throughput than traditional radio systems.

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Receiving stations on Earth equipped with telescopes and modems, convert laser light into digital data. Thus, DSOC can send information at speeds of up to 1.2 gigabits per second, which is essential for missions that require the transmission images and high definition video from long distances.

During the Psyche mission, DSOC demonstrated its effectiveness by successfully broadcasting and sending a 15-second video over a distance of 31 million kilometers in just 101 seconds to reach Earth.

This experiment not only confirms the system’s ability to process large amounts of data, but also sets a new standard for interplanetary communication.

What is NASA’s Psyche mission?

NASA’s Psyche mission, launched on October 13, 2023, is initiative aimed at exploring the metallic asteroid Psychewhich is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and JupiterThis mission has as its main goal study the composition and structure of this objectwhich is believed to be composed primarily of iron and nickel.

Scientists believe the asteroid may be the exposed core of a planetesimal, the building block of rocky planets that never fully formed. According to the mission, Psyche could provide valuable information about the formation of Earth and other planets in the solar system.

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