Nasal spray may improve memory in diseases such as Alzheimer’s

Antibody nasal spray may improve cognitive abilities. File photo.FRIPIK

Millions of people are suffering in Spain Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementiaThis number is expected to continue to grow due to increasing life expectancy. There is still no cure for this group of diseases, so many scientists are focusing their work on finding a solution.

It has long been known that there is the connection between smell and memoryFor example, a year ago, a study from the University of California found that different smells can improve the cognitive abilities of older people.

Now a team of researchers from the University of Texas have gone even further. They show that nasal spray with antibodies effectively eliminates harmful tau accumulation in mice, a key protein in this type of disease. The study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, shows that single dose This nasal spray is enough to improve cognitive abilities.

The Importance of Tau Protein

Both tau protein and beta-amyloid protein are closely associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Their main functions are: participation in the formation of new neurons (neurogenesis), regulation of microtubule dynamics, and protection against neuronal degeneration and cell death.

Tau protein promotes proper functioning of neurons and the brainHowever, in some people with dementia, tau protein appears with abnormal structure that forms “balls” inside cells that interfere with cellular function. These tangles accumulate in brain tissue, preventing the protein from functioning properly and causing cognitive impairment. However, with this spray, they were able to observe that the harmful tau buildup in mice was reduced.

Sagar Gaikwad, first author of the study and PhD in the Department of Neurology at the UT Mitchell Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, said of the findings: “Our work shows that nasal immunotherapy against tau significantly reverses Alzheimer’s pathology in mice and that one dose is sufficient to achieve this goal.”

Tau Protein Enhancer Spray

Until now, existing immunotherapies aimed at improving the function of this protein have not been very effective due to their limited ability to reach the intracellular compartments where these clusters are found. But a new study claims to have overcome this barrier.

Researchers have developed monoclonal antibody to tau proteinthat is, an artificial substance that acts similarly to others produced by the immune system. It is known as the “tau-toxic configuration-specific monoclonal antibody 2” (TTCM2).

He TTKM2 It has been shown to be effective when administered nasal to old mice with tauopathy (dementia with characteristic tau tangles). It has also been tested on postmortem brain tissue from patients with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and progressive supranuclear palsy.

These are promising results, although it should be taken into account that this therapy has so far been tested on post-mortem tissue and mice, so it still remains relevant. we need to see the results on people.

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