Natalie Portman Calls Out Rihanna’s Pimp After Divorce

Fanny Mazalon

Natalie Portman has filed for divorce once again, ending her first wedding to choreographer and director Benjamin Millepied. The actress will be released on Monday, July 15, as Rihanna’s favorite assistant during this period.

Invited to the Tonight Show stage on Monday, July 15, Natalie Portman is confident about her recent divorce from choreographer Benjamin Millepied. The couple met on August 4, 2012, two years after meeting on tour for the film Black Swan. In love, the actress reunited with her family in France when she visited the Paris Opera Ballet in 2014.

On March 8, the American magazine People reported the couple’s divorce. The two young children, Aleph (12) and Amalia (7), are now married. The ladies of the show, Jimmy Fallon’s face, Natalie Portman is thrilled to have Rihanna’s assistant help her get a nice face during this period.

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“I thought that the chaque femme would be able to understand Rihanna in the event of a divorce and say that she is a ‘bad bitch.’ That’s exactly what you don’t want to kiss. This is a formative moment in my life.”

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Rihanna and Natalie Portman Reunite

The two women reunite at Paris Fashion Week in January 2024. The actress directly appropriates her admiration for Rihanna, and Natalie Portman fully returns the feeling. Cet échange became the site of the Dior fashion show, and did not pass in the media on the line “Vanity”.

Later Natalie Portman met and received a lot of compliments, and it was a block due to the offender’s divorce from Benjamin Millepied.

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