Neither Google Maps nor Waze have I found a better app to find out where speed cameras are.

When we drive in a car, we usually use Apple Maps, Google Maps or Waze. They are three main applications which millions of people use in their daily lives to go to work or take longer trips, such as on holiday. Thanks to these apps, we have traffic alerts and fixed radars.

In the case of Waze, users can also add mobile radars and security cameras. These notifications are completely legal.; Another thing is WhatsApp groups that are being pursued by the police. On my last vacation, I covered about 800 km at once and relied on two applications: Waze and the application I want to tell you about today.

The perfect app to know all the radars using your iPhone

The app in question is called Fixed and Mobile Radars. Of course, the name makes its intent clear. It is free app from spanish developerThe app takes the official DGT database and combines it with user notifications to create a history of where mobile radars are typically located.

The application has a fairly simple and basic interface. Of course, this is not a navigation app as such.; It has a route option, but the directions are a bit more basic. My advice is to use it in the background or analyze the route taking into account speed cameras.

radars for iphone
radars for iphone

First, configure what you want to see on the map.

Before you start browsing through the different driving or navigation modes, you’ll need to familiarize yourself a little with the filters. This way you can choose which radars or other types of alerts to traffic light cameras. Once you’re in the app, tap the red icon you’ll find in the top bar. Here you can control what to watch:

  • Stationary radars
  • Mobile radars (regular sites)
  • traffic light cameras
  • Public Radars
  • Sectional radars

The most distinctive part of this app is that it has a history of where mobile radars are usually located. This does not mean that when you pass it, it will be like that, or you can find mobile radar in another location not added to the map. After all, the police can (and for our safety should) change the location of radars.

CarPlay Screenshot
CarPlay Screenshot

CarPlay Screenshot

Different ways to view and detect radars

As I mentioned at the beginning, this app allows you to follow a route, although ideally it would be better to use other routes. driving modes to warn you about radars. From my personal experience the most interesting are:

  • Map: Perfect for a free and personal view of speed cameras in your area, the road you usually use, etc. You will be surprised at everything that can be found in your city.
  • Background: The best way to combine this app with another navigation app is to automatically detect speed cameras and warn you about them when you pass them.

Google Maps and Waze have been updated with five features that iPhone and CarPlay users are eagerly awaiting.

To activate any of these modes, you just need to press the button The blue house icon you will find in the top bar. Otherwise, the app has other features such as a table of penalties and point losses, adding other radars or evaluating current ones.

Stationary and mobile radars

Discover all fixed, mobile or traffic light speed cameras.

Using the application is completely free. You will find only ads, and if you want, remove them. You have a premium version for 3.99 euros. this eliminates them. I’ve been using the free mode so far and the ads are not at all intrusive.

In Applesphere | Apple Maps: What it is, how it works on your iPhone, how to spot speed cameras, and how to set up routes

In Applesphere | I don’t have a single favorite GPS app to use in CarPlay, and I think this is the best way to travel without hassle.

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