Never drink wine in a bar or restaurant if you see this.

The hotel owner warned about the sign that should indicate customers who should never drink wine in a bar or restaurant.

In a video posted on TikTok, @restobarlaspenhas warns: “Never drink a glass of wine. if the bottle is completely dripped, as is the case with this one.

This, he explains, points to three possible things. “First, At this point they can refill the bottles with other cheaper brands.“, he notes.

“Secondly, maybe they will fill it with the same bottles, the same brands that you will take “mostly mostly wine waste”Add.

“And the third, the waiter is excessively clumsy, But this is out of the question if the bottle is dripping and also full,” he notes.

A few days ago, the same hotel owner explained that You don’t have to drink beer if it has a certain type of bubbles.

“Never drink this beer, why? Because These bubbles tell you that proper hygiene conditions are not maintained inside the cup.“, he stressed.

In this case, he explained that there are three things that can keep the bubbles in beer: “The first is dust, the second is grease, the third is poor rinsing. that is, traces of detergent remained.

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