new beer opens with cardboard

Mau San Miguel Keep working on changes to become better. The beverage and services company will invest more than €10 million this year to improve the sustainability and energy efficiency of its production center in Malaga. This amount is added to the 45 million target already implemented between 2020 and 2023, in which the plant was completely modernized.

One of the most striking modifications will be made on packaging lines and warehouses, where almost 40% of the investment will be directed. The goal is replace plastic in rings and groups of cans with cardboard 100% recyclable and sustainable forests.

This initiative is part of the strategic sustainability program, which aims to Banks of all brands use cardboard rings; the project started in 2020.

“Our production center in Malaga is located at the forefront of the industry in innovation and environmental protection“, said the director of the production center, José Manuel Huesa, on Friday. He also stressed that this increase in investment “confirms our long term vision and ours strong commitment to the city“.

Environmental Commitment

Another priority that the Malaga plant has worked on is maintaining the warranty optimal environmental performance. In fact, thanks to investments in this area, this has been achieved. reduce water consumption by 4.6% And maintain the waste revaluation ratio at 99.87%. As a guarantee of sustainable development, the plant has the most relevant environmental certificates such as EMAS or ISO 14000..

In Andalusia the company has three beer production centers and a water bottling plant. The purpose of this investment was to continue providing its facilities with the “most innovative and environmentally friendly” technologies win not only in efficiency And performancebut also in flexibility To meet market needs and ensure the best customer service.

Over the past 10 years, Maja San Miguel has singled out more than 269 million euros to improve its industrial assets and ensure future competitiveness. In particular, in 2014 the company invested 24 million euros in the development of 160 investment projects implemented both in the center of Malaga and in Alovera (Guadalajara), Burgos, Lleida, Granada, Cordoba and Candelaria (Tenerife). at the water bottling plants in Beteta (Cuenca) and Los Villares (Jaén).

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