New blood test predicts breast cancer recurrence 3 years in advance | Health | Magazine

Breast cancer is a public health problem. And it is one of the most common types of cancer among women worldwide.

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this type of cancer is most often diagnosed in women in the United States.

Triple negative breast cancer accounts for 10–15% of all breast cancer cases | Photo: Fripik

Although the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) indicates that in 2024, approximately 310,720 new cases of invasive breast cancer are projected to occur in women and 2,790 in men.

These figures highlight the importance of early detection and timely treatment to combat this disease, which affects so many lives.

What is the most common symptom of breast cancer and where does it start?

What blood test detects breast cancer?

Although breast cancer can be initially identified through self-examination, there is a blood test that can help predict possible cancer recurrence three years into the future and represents significant progress in oncology.

This method, known as liquid biopsy, can identify tiny traces of cancer DNA in the blood with high sensitivity, Infobae notes.

This test, developed by British researchers, can predict a possible cancer recurrence years before it occurs.

Self-examination is and will be an error-free method for diagnosing this disease. Photo: Fripik

The test is so accurate that it can change post-treatment follow-up by indicating which patients may benefit from additional preventative treatments and which may avoid unnecessary treatment.

Isaac Garcia-Murillas, study leader and member of the molecular oncology group at the London Institute of Cancer Research, quoted by Infobae, emphasizes that cancer cells can remain hidden in the body after traditional treatments, so a more effective screening method is important to prevent long-term recurrences.

These are tests that should not be skipped from the age of 40 to rule out cancer and other diseases.

“They could offer a better method for long-term follow-up of patients whose cancer is at high risk of recurrence,” he said.

How liquid biopsy helps detect breast cancer

Liquid biopsy uses whole-genome sequencing to detect up to 1,800 different mutations, making it more sensitive than previous methods.

This promising test will allow us to effectively predict the development and evolution of the disease. Photo: GETTY IMAGES

In a study of 78 breast cancer patients, the test was effective in predicting a high risk of recurrence in the 11 patients who actually relapsed within five years.

In another 60 patients in whom no circulating tumor DNA was detected, there were no relapses or false negatives. (HEY)

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