New Study Finds the Brain Can Fend Off Alzheimer’s Disease, and That’s the Reason – Teach Me Science

SOURCE: La Razon

Recent Study found that some people They have remarkable resistance to Alzheimer’s disease., a devastating neurodegenerative disease that many of us fear will occur as we reach older age. This resistance is interesting becausealthough their brains show the same changes as brains affected Alzheimer’s diseasethese people have no idea symptoms typical belonging disease. This discovery is already giving rise to new directions of research that could revolutionize treatment and prevention Alzheimer’s disease.

A study led by Dutch Institute of Neuroscience and published in the magazine minutes Neuropathological communications, analyzed samples from the Netherlands Brain Bank. This bank contains donations worth more than 5000 brains people who died from various brain diseases. Between these samples, researchers identified twelve brains who, surprisingly, showed no signs of cognitive decline despite the typical neurological changes seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

The key question the scientists asked themselves was: What distinguishes this resilient brain from a brain that succumbs to disease? For reply this askfocused on cells called astrocytes, which play a role crucial in cleaning brain waste. They found that in resistant brains, these cells produced more amount of antioxidants, substances that protect cells from damage. This ability to produce more antioxidants Seems, important factor in resistance Alzheimer’s disease.

Another difference wonderful found V resilient brain was its higher efficiency in protein removal toxic. In Alzheimer’s disease, these proteins accumulate and form plaques that damage nerve cells.. However, resilient brains appear to have a more efficient mechanism for getting rid of these toxic proteins. could explain why they do not develop symptoms of the disease.

SOURCE: Nature Communications

Besides, resilient brain showed more efficient energy production. Brain cells need a lot of energy function properlyand production energy imperfect may contribute deterioration informative. The researchers noticed that cells belonging brain stable were more effective in Energy productionwhich could be another factor contributing to it endurance to Alzheimer’s.

Although these conclusions promising so farthere is still a lot to be done discover. Now scientists are trying to understand why exist are differences V persistent brains. ¿It’s something genetic? Does this affect style life or around? This questions What researchers are beginning research.

He next step is deepen in these mechanisms from protection and resistance. If scientists can better understand why some people’s brains are more resistant to Alzheimer’s diseasecould develop treatments that mimic these mechanisms. For example, if it is confirmed that production of antioxidants and effective elimination of toxic proteins are the key to endurancedrugs may be developed that will improve these abilities in people’s brains who is in danger development of the disease.

It is hoped that this knowledge can be translated into treatment which can slow down progress Alzheimer’s disease in order to prevent appearance of symptoms. This approach prophylactic It would be a radical change to combat this diseasewhat is currently affecting millions from People in all world.

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