Nicotine is a growing problem among youth and teens


Updated at 07:47.

Today, Friday, May 31, is World No Tobacco Day. And this year it is celebrated under the World Health Organization’s motto ‘Protecting young people from the interference of the tobacco industry’. The campaign is particularly targeted at adolescents, as children are beginning to consume electronic cigarettes at a higher rate than adults. In fact, according to data provided by WHO, 37 million young people between 13 and 15 years use tobacco. Data that, despite the significant progress recorded in the reduction of tobacco consumption, the emergence of electronic cigarettes and other new nicotine products, represent a grim Danger to youth and tobacco control.

in this regard, ESTUDES survey 2023, Prepared by the National Plan on Medicines of the Ministry of Health and presented a few months ago, confirms that more than half of schoolchildren aged 14 to 18 – 54.6% – have used electronic cigarettes at some point. This figure has increased by more than 10 percentage points since 2021 and is the highest recorded in history. At the same time, The survey highlights that the “estimated risk” of sporadic use of electronic cigarettes is the lowest of all substances analyzed (alcohol, cannabis, cocaine or other substances).

The latest data offered by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Junta de Andalucía – Since last year, the province of Cádiz is leading in the worrying ranking within our community. And the thing is that according to those surveyed, Cádiz was at the end of 2022, The province with the highest number of smokers, with 1,640 men and 2,227 women, far above other Andalusian regions.

The number of passive smokers was also notable in the province of Cádiz, which once again became the region with the highest number of passive smokers: 203 men and 221 women. Another figure published by the Ministry of Health is the number of former smokers, with 914 men and 334 women in the province of Cádiz.

Smoking causes 20 types of cancer

We cannot forget that smoking is related to the appearance of numerous diseases. There are 20 types of cancer, of which lung cancer is the leading cause of death. Without going any further, tobacco is responsible for 85% of diagnosed lung cancer cases and, according to the latest data collected, approximately 22,700 Spaniards died from these tumors.

Although global smoking rates have seen a steady decline – while one in three people used tobacco in 2014, only one in five now do so – consumption of traditional tobacco has declined, The use of new products such as vaporizers or electronic cigarettes has increased significantly in recent years.

Sale of vapors, without control

Manolo, owner of one of the oldest tobacco shops on Placia Cádiz Street, He claims that “although the sale of traditional industrial tobacco continues, it has decreased. But whoever smokes, smokes. And that is something that is not going to change. This man from Cadiz continues his business because there will always be smokers, although more and more smoke-free places are being enabled.

As for heated tobacco, which is becoming a trend in smoking, Manolo assures that it is also sold, and a lot. “It is consumed by means of a heating device into which a stick containing tobacco is inserted.” With a ‘charger’, it is heated to a controlled temperature so that combustion never occurs and produces an aerosol that is inhaled,” he explains.

The problem comes when the vapor phenomenon goes away. The reality is that there are more and more stores selling this type of device, whose consumption has increased considerably in recent years “There are already Super Carmela stores. It has to be controlled because here we do not sell it to minors under 18 years of age, and the issue is that vapor, when sold in any establishment“There is no control over who buys it and it can have serious consequences,” Manolo demurred.

In fact, this seller requests ID from the buyer of the vapor and ensures that he is of legal age. And this lack of control is also observed at fair booths “there is no type of inspection, which represents a crime and problem for teenagers.”

Nearly five years smoke-free

Mercedes Romero, Cadiz has been smoking for more than 30 years – precisely from 14 to 50 – He tells this newspaper how his experience has gone from smoking two and a half packs of tobacco a day to going without a cigarette for almost five years. “I never felt bad about smoking. Nothing really alarming happened to me to stop doing it,” he admits.

Next November it will be five years since Mercedes last smoked a cigarette. “I’ve been to parties, I’ve seen my family smoke at home, I go out with my friends who smoke, and I haven’t given in to temptation. I’ve quit it forever and that’s the way it is.

This woman from Cadiz didn’t have to suffer from an illness to quit tobacco. She didn’t have to quit by force. “I started taking care of my niece and the doctors told her that she can’t interact with people who have nicotine on their clothes. It was bad for him, so I went to Vargas Ponce and got some treatments to stop smoking.” Connected.

So that was it. Mercedes committed herself and never bought tobacco for herself again. “I thought that by attending these sessions, I would reduce cigarettes, but not stop smoking permanently. And you see, I went on for almost five years without a puff.

Based on information, nicotine candy, conferences and support, Mercedes went from smoking about 70 cigarettes a day to 0. “You have to have a lot of willpower to quit smoking from one day to the next.” It’s all psychological. I’m also very extreme: either a lot or nothing..I strengthened myself and I won’t even try it today. Of course, that’s something that was difficult for me at the time. Going backwards would suck,” he admits.

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