Nintendo is set to break a record with the Switch. In 24 hours, it will surpass the longest period between the release of two home consoles, the Nintendo Switch.

It’s been 7 years and 129 days between the launch of the NES and SNES, but it’ll take the Big N even longer to release a successor to its current hybrid

It is well known that Nintendo is working on a successor to the Nintendo Switch, so we’ll have some new information about the future soon. Hardware companies. Meanwhile, the current hybrid is beginning to establish itself as one of the Big N consoles that has been on the market the longest; In fact, the company is taking that long to release its next device. games which will soon surpass the record set during the NES era.

As user Paidon23 pointed out in an infographic published in Redditthe longest gap between the release of two nintendo home consoles was 7 years and 129 days what happened between RES and SNES. However, tomorrow, July 10, the Japanese company will break this record by registering a longer period between the release of the Nintendo Switch and its successor. And given that no details about the device or its launch date have been announced yet, it’s clear that there’s still plenty of time to close this figure.

However, the Nintendo Switch will not be the absolute record holder. Because, continuing infographic dataIt turns out that the longest time span between Nintendo console releases is within laptops; in particular, in 9 years and 182 days This happened with the transition from Game Boy to Game Boy Color. So unless the Big N takes another two years to release its new device, the most impressive brand will likely remain as it is.

Nintendo doesn’t foresee speculation about its next console

For its part, Nintendo continues to tease us with small bits of information about its next device. The last time you mentioned one of your plans for your future Hardware This happened at a meeting with investors, where Shuntaro Furukawa, the company’s president, announced that no cases of speculation are expected with the expected device. In this sense, it is expected have enough units to cover all demand players.

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In 3D games | No other video game company currently has such a large and high-quality in-house production facility as the Nintendo Switch, and the numbers prove it.

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