North Korean troops cross South Korean border for third time in a month

Army of the South Korea This Friday was reported for the third time in a month Several North Korean soldiers have crossed the military demarcation line This separates both parts of the demilitarized zone, an action to which they have responded with warning shots that have caused them to retreat back to their territory.

The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff indicated the incident occurred around 11:00 a.m. (local time) on Thursday and that “It appears to be accidental”Since the soldiers worked until nightfall, when they returned North KoreaAccording to a report by Yonhap news agency.

Similar cases were reported in Seoul on June 9 and 18He alleged that this “mistake” is due to the large amount of underground in these areas, making it difficult to see the demarcation line.

Pyongyang has increased the number of its troops on the border in recent weeks building fortifications and mining operationsFor which they will have to remove the above mentioned weeds.

This action took place between Escalation of hostility between the two countriesSpecifically in response to a group of North Korean defectors launching propaganda against the Kim Jong Un regime, Pyongyang launched dozens of balloons filled with garbage at Seoul.

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